Henry Nicholls

I like how everyone has their special ability - Sun's martial arts, Wolfgang's criminal skills, Will's handcuff-picking - and that Lito's skill is just being as smooth as fuck, as demonstrated with Female Interviewer in this episode.

Clever Girl, Internet.

Did they factor in the cost of paying Jeff Goldblum to harangue you about the dangers of playing God as you enter the park? Because there's no way I'm buying a ticket unless that's included.

It's probably not as funny as I think, but Scruffy's, "Let me know how that works out for you" after Kif explains his birthing ritual gets a laugh out of me every time.

I love, "Good, 'cause I'm not changing it." The delivery is so needlessly pissy.

I would also like my own Accusing Parlour.

Like Fry! Like Fry!

It's really noticeable in 'Frasier'. He and Niles are meant to be the height of fashion and style, and they look like they're wearing Armani tents.

Years ago, when DVDs were still pretty new and my parents had a VCR but not a DVD player, I got my mum a copy of 'Young Frankenstein', one of her favourite movies, on VHS. And I shit you not, the damn thing had special features - bloopers, trailers, a making-of special. Except it was VHS, so all the features were at


For me, a serious problem was that the villain was the most sympathetic character; he feels bad when nepotism gets him a once-in-a-lifetime alien autopsy gig, because it could have gone to someone more worthy. Everyone else comes across as a selfish arsehole. And don't get me started on the "you have to be chosen"

"Whoever wields this spreadsheet, if he be worthy, will be in control of the petty cash drawer."

I used to write reviews for a street press magazine, and learned my lesson about selective quoting after reviewing a stand-up comedian. I thought he was talented but needed work, so in my review I said, "With a little practice he could be one of Australia's best comedians" (or something to that effect). Next year, his

I'm not a follower of the comics and I still thought it was an awful film.

"it turns out that love, actually, is all around. As are these packs of wolves. That second one is possibly a problem"

I think it was mentioned in the review for the episode (or maybe in the comments), but Homer's intonation on "solving" is just the best. It's as if the detail that the boat solves crimes is what will really sell Marge on the show.

Immortan Joe: Furiosa has stolen the brides!

But then you'd have to ignore all the Simpson DNA evidence. And that'd be downright nutty!

I love how consistently Chalmers just glides by the lack of logic in Skinner's lies.

Huh, "internet". In my day, it was called "The Information Super-Highway". Until we all asked that it stop being called that.