Henry Nicholls

Is now a good time to share some great Nichols 'Futurama'/'Simpsons' quotes? To make us feel better? I can start:

I'm always very fond of, "You know, we're living in a SOCIETY!"

We all know that Taco Bell doesn't sell alcohol. What this outlet presupposes is … maybe it does?

True story: McDonalds in Australia had to apologise to the population at large about the poor quality of its coffee and promise to start using a completely new blend.

A Shakespeare play set in its original time period? Isn't that illegal?

This reminds me of a film about a bunch of action figures designed to resemble "small soldiers" that could play with kids, and then these "small soldiers" went out of control and started to attack people, so the people had to fight back and destroy the "small soldiers". I believe it was called, "The Toys That Started

If an album is released in the woods, and no one's there to stream it, does it make a cultural impact?

Actually we should, especially for those of ourselves who have mobility issues, agoraphobia or other mental issues that make going outside stressful, live in remote areas where it's hard to buy good in more conventional ways, and so on. When people see these stories, they always imagine the laziest applications, but

There are no women comics because women aren't funny! Wait, wrong type of comics. Damn, it's so hard to keep my different streams of rampant sexism straight. Does this thing have anything to do with ethics in something?

The AV Club

Nobody cares about your blintzes!

There's a potentially interesting academic argument to be had about progress in ideological institutions like this - what constitutes progress, how much we can reasonably expect vs. how much is practical, etc. - but yeah, at the end of the day I don't think anyone should expect you to be grateful to someone who still

2 Kindergarten 2 Cop.

'Jingle All the Way 2: The Jingling'.

I don't know how you discovered that one of the characters in 'Heroes Reborn' has the power to turn into a hummingbird, and that his inability to stop a train crash because he's too busy eating sugar is a major emotional arc for the series*, but you must have some good sources.

Aw. No love in the commentariat for the metallic horror that is the Hair Robot? David X. Cohen mentions in the audio commentary that they got a significant amount of angry mail asking who was responsible for "that creepy hair robot thing".

My favourite part of it is that after going on for way, way longer than you'd think possible, one of the crew (I think it was Rich Moore) just says, kinda timidly, "I … care.:"

What, are we meant to believe this is some sort of logical continuity? Boy, I sure hope someone got hired for that wonder.

That last tweet, "The End." That almost broke me.

Capital Stuff, Telegraph!