
Unless we're communicating entirely in "Big Lebowski" quotes, in which case: "HAS THE WHOLE WORLD GONE CRAZY?"

Safely converting an e-cig from stock to vaporize oil involves skill with a soldering iron, possessing a multimeter, and a sorta-advanced understanding of electronics. Unless you want to end up with a lithium battery fire.

And likewise it should be standard operating procedure to know what the hell you're talking about when you file a report. I'd be upbraided at my job if I wrote a whole bunch of incorrect shit, and my job does not involve getting people arrested.

Wow. Thoroughly wow.

I hate you forever for initiating procedures that will in the future prevent me from viewing her obscured nipple.

Indeed, it's a reason to hire smart people to the police force.

Agreed on both points. Still no reason to arrest someone.

All I gotta say is that's a really cool promo picture. If I made a TV show, I'd want it to have promo pictures that looked like that.

Well there's that honey wax or honey oil or whatever they're calling concentrated THC extract these days. In my day, we just made hash, but I digress. You could, theoretically, modify an e-cig to vaporize your THC oil. Which would entail an impressive amount of DIY ingenuity, and by the time you bought the requisite

Right? Like, I am about to pull Fox Mulder-style obsessive fact-finding mission to figure this out. It's been bugging me for months. My personal theory is that no one who is good at sex wants to lay a person fundamentally opposed to everything that sexually active persons hold dear. Birth control; abortions; all that.

I'd much prefer the option to vote for Pizza the Hutt.

Being furry-inclusive is precisely the reason why I stand behind A7X.

*Snazzily-dressed man cackles as he plays ragtime piano.*

Like, they have the presence of mind to put leather gloves on when they search people's pockets. Such meticulousness could in theory be applied to accurately describing items they confiscate.

Yeesh. That's about the most forced laughter I've ever seen out of Conan. Which is saying a lot.

When crime is slow, your average patrol cop has more time than usual to compose a thoughtful incident report. Further unacceptable.

Yeah, that was very embarrassing. I don't know what kind of an asshole you have to be to get Jason Mantzoukas fed up with you, but apparently the answer is this guy.

This might be a little bit pedantic, but how can an arresting officer file a report that states that a man was smoking marijuana "from an e-cigarette." Personal vape device? Sure. E-cigarette? That's the thing you impulse purchase at a bodega at 2:00 AM when you've drunkenly convinced yourself you're going to stop

You spelled his name wrong.

I've between operating on that assumption. Seems like he's been aiming for secondies and thirdies since the name change, though.