
I fell off the wagon with this wonderful, wonderful show the past two years on account of school and then school plus unemployment and further then school plus enemployment plus political despair, but "Erlich/Jian Yang shitty seafood app" boots it to the top of my summer catch up list.

What are "Metal Gear Solid" and "The League" for 200 and 400 respectively, Alex?

Holy shit, this guy's taking Roy off the grid! This guy doesn't have a Social Security number for Roy!

Hardly if ever.

Do people say that to other people in real life? Maybe I'm hanging out with the wrong crowd, but I've never heard anyone say such an action movie cliched thing not in obvious jest.

Well, I'll see this Poe guy in court …

Well, I guess I learned a valuable lesson about what happens when stupid people make stupid jokes.

Yeah, the public figure would have to prove something like "reckless disregard for the truth" on the behalf of the artist. From what I remember of my media law courses, these days it's about as likely for a public official to win a defamation suit against a fictional representation as it would be for an obscenity case

Well yeah, I could also sue my new roommate alleging I've suffered a loss in quality of life on account of his face looking like a toaster.

Well, technically the Supreme Court has ruled that the genomic sequence for human DNA, and therefore, I'd argue, any person conceived of human genetic material, exists in the public domain.

Fun fact: Oliver Stone had to file for bankruptcy in the mid-1990s after losing three consecutive civil defamation suits brought against him by JFK, Jack Ruby, and Lee Harvey Oswald, respectively.

Never gonna happen. He's too busy getting himself arrested in bank lobbies with unlicensed handguns stuck in his belt because he's too drunk to realize he doesn't actually live in the bank.

I've been disappointed that there have been so few references to that incident in all the blog articles on Bill's recent escapades.

I much preferred the rejected ending where two men in matching suits show up, take the can, pat the cop on the back and say, "you did good, son," lift Kendall Jenner's fingerprints off the can, and transfer them to the drop gun they leave inside the apartment the CIA contractor shot the president from.

Add a pair of crossed rifles and "Molon Labe" to that and they'll have their bases covered.

Indeed, these are tryin' times.

I'd say that your classic creature features just don't have an audience these days, but the MotW eps of the "X-Files" reboot were the ones best received, and "Rick and Morty" is mostly, in a perverse way, creature episodes. And before that, "Aqua Teen." Probably there's less of an audience for mainstream

I just came to cum. Am I in the right thread?

If Gary Oldman is any measure, you can renounce being a career villan character actor and move on to retire on superhero franchise money. So if Bardem enjoys playing villains, I say let him play enjoyable villains. I doubt he'll ever lack for work.

"I couldn't reconcile my throbbing wish to serve with the fear of being assigned to the infantry, so if I can't rape anyone in the military, then, out of spite and impotency, no one can."