
"See also: half the AV Club commentariat these days despite the fact that they were nowhere to be found when it mattered or if it involves something besides a strongly worded tweet or comment."

Didn't Ignatiy look happy playing with his overwhelmingly positively received film review column? And didn't the A.V. Club commenters look happy playing with the comments on Ignatiy's column until they got run over by Univision shills and Breitbart trolls?

Right? Anyone with half a pretension to cinematic authority would know it's common knowledge that you calibrate your reflective light meters to "lily white" by pointing them at the un-tanned skin of Siberian-born fashion models

My sister went to get his autograph when he was shooting a scene for "Mr. Deeds" in her town, and apparently he spent about an hour signing posters and chatting with fans while production was delayed for technical reasons, and paid out-of-pocket for the crew to eat at a local restaurant. So he's alright in my book.

In his Conan appearances, especially. His Shaq penis joke was hilarious — in fact, I don't think any one else could have told that joke in a way that didn't come off as offensive.

Jokes aside, very few Quebeckers I spoke to when I spent my January break in Montreal/QC were happy with Justin's … is "Prime
Ministration" the correct analog for "presidency"? Granted, I was
conversing mostly with musicians and service/waitstaff.

H. R. Haldeman, on drums!

"The Skydivers" is my favorite ep, for reasons universally evident. My second favorite is "Escape 2000", solely for Kevin Murphy's delivery of "We're here to tenderize!" while the onscreen squad of Orkin men are about to smash down a slum door using their comically oversized tack hammer.

So I'm not crazy on account of "The Skydivers" being my favorite MST3K. Several people whose opinions I usually respect absolutely loathe that one.

Bullshit. I am willing to bet good money that you don't have the guts to ever point a gun at someone.

Beyond the comments, it's screwing up the way I've become accustomed over the years to simply read articles. I'd be interested to know how many registered users page chronologically through Newswires, because I rarely click the "next" and "previous" hyperlinks at the end of an article that isn't a TV Club review. A

I've huffed Wild Turkey before. I'm out. You go ahead with that.

Is there an equivalent "too drunk to fuck" in this situation?

Regarding MIA, Dan drew the conclusion that Mr. Anklepanties had ejaculated. Nowhere was climax mentioned or alluded to in MIA's submission.

Goodwill is pretty well known, and they at least give disabled people the chance to occupy a place in society they'd otherwise have a hard time occupying. I know there are plenty of nits to be picked there, but they're an obvious choice over Salvation Army.

If no solid information is being reported, my bet is that it's a suicide and details are being withheld out of respect.

My guess is the journalism community would call this one a likely suicide.

Over the last few days I've binged every single Eric Andre and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog video on YouTube. It's been very hard to interact appropriately with people without feeling the urge to poop or vomit on them.

The David Byrne jacket and too-long red tie had better not become the Mao suit of Trump's reign.

I read that at "Barron" at first and was momentarily concerned for the security of your job in the SNL writer's room.