
Best not to look too hard for an answer to that.

Agreed. I'm not sure what scared me more about the T-1000 at around that same age when I first saw T2; the ice pick arms or being able to replicate the voice of anyone he came in contact with. And the fact that it goes straight for the cop as his disguise immediately establishes the T-1000 as being programmed for more

"Promontory of Stylistically Spelled Terror"

Remember back in the day when they told us that we'd get our media in pill form? How naive we all were.

I share your dream.

I'm just glad they didn't go with tubgirl.

After this election, I wouldn't be surprised if those dreams up and rose from the ashes, like a PHOEEENNNIIIIIX!!!

If he got his hands on our healthcare we'd be looking at total societal Demolition, Man.

( . )( . )( . )

Remember when Breitbart invaded a few years back and it was kind of a huge deal? That whole thing seems so innocent now that they're doing it on a regular basis.

It's simple. Keks are what lulz used to be before they got turned into lels. Lels aren't lols except between Thanksgiving and Labor Day when alternate side parking in the majority of American cities with populations ending in odd numbers is on the left. Lfmaos used to be rofls, but technically aren't anymore. People

Jesus Christ.

I think we gotta address the fact that no beer drinker in Wisconsin is likely to be very a healthy person.

The nozzle is now calibrating.

The nozzle is still calibrating.

Vaporwave at least has the potential to introduce people to Diana Ross. This … fashwave? It's got no such redemptive aside from the name making me want to repeatedly slam my head against a protruding framing nail.

To the point where Japan's reserving transit cars just for women who don't want to be groped. So the Nazi aren't just pro rape, they're pro inefficient civic policies, and inefficiency isn't very Nazi-like, if you ask me.

Widespread cutural acceptance of body pillows.

All with those stupid dipshitler youth haircuts. Which is called a "fashy." You know, for "fascist?" I feel dumberer as fuck for knowing that.

Maybe what we should be asking instead is if they're willing TO KILL?

Wait wait wait! Here comes Lee Marvin! Thank god! He's always drunk and violent!