
I remember seeing a behind the scenes video of MGS2's military adviser teaching the design team how to clear rooms using plastic guns, and Kojima seemed really, really into it.

I actually just might, because that sounds like a pretty funny premise.

You really haven't lived until you've heckled an Eisenstein revival screening, that's what I always say.

Wold certainly make life easier for the bot that scours the web looking for illicitly posted copies of movies.

I would not only read the shit out of long form piece on the topic of awards being denied to composers composers on account of them quoting from other music — an established practice, without which there would be no jazz music at all — within the context of current media copyright law, I would legit take time out of

Yikes, my condolences. That never feels good. If it's someone you just met, I'd say move on and forget about the whole thing. If it's someone you've known for a while or with whom you've previously established a relationship, confront them about it, because ghosting ain't cool, and not to play social cop but ghosters

You just know she read that comment back to herself out loud after posting it, too.

You done outdid yourself here, Reposted Daily Mail Comments. Retire early and enjoy your pension, because after this where else can you go.

Yeah, John Oliver's got some next level researchers working for him. Which gives his show a definite edge. Plus the British accent goes a long way comedically, at least in the States.

I have lefty friends who, while they've never gone that far, make some, like, comically ridiculous declarations about the Russians. And whenever I try to direct them to the Crowdstrike/ThreatConnect reasearch into the GRU and FSB involvement in the DNC hacks, I'm always ignored or dismissed. These are people with

Yeah. Absolutely. The shit I hear coming unironically out of people's mouths that they go on to back up with poorly reported news articles is just at a staggering level these days. Like, to the point where I wanna rip my hair out.

Geez, yeah, I keep telling myself that obviously he's just trolling and not gonna go through with it, but I have been wrong about so many other things this election season that I don't even know anymore. I'll send him a message.

i sympathize with ya there. I get a whole lot of sanctimonious lectures from my lefty friends about my fiscally moderate views — even though I'm actually further left of then on most social issues — and I really wish there was a button I could push to make them stop.

I want to believe in an alternate reality where this fake movie about Mark Wahlberg getting real mad and repeatedly kicking door hinges is a big hit in theaters.

Man, I hope so.

Ugh. Yep.

You know, I hope it will. And I think maybe he's just trying to troll people in the heat of the moment? But yeah.



Serious question: How you deal with friends who you align with politically but who say shit that makes you wanna punch them real hard in the face until all their teeth fall out?