It’s like Clarence Thomas supporting the partisan minority voter disenfranchising policies - neither of them have *even a molecule* of human compassion left.
It’s like Clarence Thomas supporting the partisan minority voter disenfranchising policies - neither of them have *even a molecule* of human compassion left.
Republican “logic”-
Or taking over a federal building because they want the government to just hand over a bunch of public land...
We should welcome people who come following the laws, but there are consequences for breaking the laws, and that is part of what makes America the nation that we are.
Wasn’t even a price hike, it was a price DROP. By directly importing the tea from India to the colonies, and taxing it on the wharfs of the colonial port cities (as opposed to the previous methods where the tea had to be shipped to England first, the duty paid, and then it was taken to the colonies) The price of tea…
<i>“We should welcome people who come following the laws, but there are consequences for breaking the laws, and that is part of what makes America the nation that we are.”</i>
No, Jessica Walter is a dramatically better looking woman.
How dare you insult Queen Lucille this way!
HP didn’t have misfortunes? What is she on about? Harry had to live in a closet under a staircase! His parents were murdered!
And the man in the back said everyone attack and it turned into a boardroom brawl
That's a good point, and that's a uniquely Republican problem. The Democrats have the advantage of having the interests of the party more closely aligned with that of the base.
For real. I’m amazed at the mental gymnastics needed by the GOP when having a conversation about “the illegals taking all the good jobs” (quoting my crazy Tea Party mom here) but avoiding a real conversation about living wage. I mean, the contortions are some Cirque du Soleil shit.
I don’t think most people who watched the series think Steven Avery is an upstanding human. Dude obviously was a creep and had some boundary issues with women. That doesn’t mean I’m okay with him being convicted for a crime it’s unclear if he committed.
...i play mario kart as wario all the time...
100% this. All this anti-immigrant bullshit is just kicking the person one rung lower than you and hoping it will make you feel better. If any of these people really cared about American jobs they’d be going after the people who have created a broken and unfair system.
I’d love to hear from one of the actors featured in this ad.
“It’s not about guns it’s about mental health”
“uh...for my entire life I have been sexually aroused by young men, but I have never acted out on those feelings. Instead I got married and lived right...uh...nevermind...I meant to say that is a long conversation I will be having with God later today.”
Reading this just made me picture the Doge meme and that is sad because Doge is great and Trump is not.
lol, I knew within about 3 seconds of reading your comment you were being sarcastic because as soon as I started reading I started laughing - very funny!