
Here come the comments about the development time.

Funny how pro-lifers consider just being at PP to be “in harm’s way” when they’re the ones harming people. By pro-life logic, they’re basically like “You wanna kill your baby? Well I’m gonna kill you and your baby first! Oh, you were just here for a mammogram? Oh well, you shouldn’t have been where I was shooting if

Yep... Especially with this nonsense.

I believed the 900 year old people thing, too. It wasn’t until I was in my twenties and talking with a friend and something about human aging came up and I was like, “Well, people used to live much, much longer than they do now because... oh, wait. That isn’t true, is it?”

Fucking hell. I’m so sad at the idea of all these fundie children being raised without the awe and wonder of dinosaurs. “Pachycephalosaurus” was practically my second word after “Big Bird”! I guess the super-religious don’t want anything else awe-inspiring stealing God’s thunder.

Mine is less bad, I attended a Jr High in Nevada. All the girls had to have Home Ec. All the boys got Shop. In Home Ec the first thing we learned was how to make an apron for ourselves that we would then wear in the class. The second thing we learned was how to cook with Crisco. I lived the gender inequality as a

I have seen MANY a chapel presentation about the canopy theory lol. Ahh, 13 years of Christian school.

You got out of all this. Now consider there are grown-ass adults who not only propagate this kind of BS but fervently believe it.

Love you too! I believed that one hard for about fifteen years and it caused a lot of pain and strife. And then my eyes were opened and I decided to live my life the way I was meant to. And now me and Cindymoo are inseparable.

I attended a fundamental baptist middle school (ankle length jean skirts, chapel, no pop music, etc) and I distinctly remember a “science” class where they had to do some major mental gymnastics to support a literal biblical interpretation of science. Fossils are a lie from Satan, carbon dating is a trick by

That I can make myself straight.

I know a lot of Democrats who aren’t really Democrats. By that, I mean they don’t really understand the tenets of liberal ideology, they say things like, “I’m not racist, but ...” and they think the poor deserve to be poor. Maybe they identify as Democrats because so many celebrities do? I dunno.

Ted Cruz proposed flying carpet bombing them.....

What that really shows is just how right wing America is as a nation. Even the supposed “left wing” Democratic Party is actually quite right wing by most country’s standards eg: Canada. Bernie Sanders would be a centrist in Canada and he’s thought of as extreme left in the States.

Well, in which case a reasonable answer is “No” or “Unsure”. It’s not in itself a mark of stupidity to not recognize that Agrabah is from Aladdin, and it’s certainly not a mark of stupidity to not be able to recognize all arabic/middle eastern cities to the point where you can immediately tell Agrabah isn’t a real

I have liked to hear how a really radically fascist question polled...something like “Do you believe Muslims in the USA should be banned from owning property?” or “Do you believe Muslims should be segregated from mainstream society until the terror threat can be solved?” I guarantee you would have at least 25% of

oh my god you cracked the code

He’s going to make the smoldering ruins of Agrabah great again.

Say what you want to about Jafar, but that man is a leader.

Here’s the thing.