
Since I only watch MSNBC and CNN and online news I’m not worried. If we notice propaganda being spread, we’ll contact station and boycott whatever is advertised by Sinclair.

Joy Reid for everything. I love her show and would most happily replace Brian Williams’ hour of bullshit for her to be on nightly.

You say that before you even try. Call them, tell them you won’t buy any of their products as long as this type of thing airs on the local news and they advertise with it. They’ll hear you or they won’t but it doesn’t hurt to try. Doesn’t do anyone any good to say “They won’t listen if I say anything” without trying.

The local advertisers won’t care, I’m in solid Red country. But I will see what I can do about the nationals.

Contact their advertisers.

Aside from calling reps (they’re sick of hearing from me, but I keep calling/emailing) and tweeting at my local news station that I will be unfollowing and boycotting, and why, is there anything we can do about this?

Now playing

I will forever remember when Joy Reid completely destroyed Boris Epshteyn on her show. CNN would just let him spout nonsense and shout over everyone. But Joy was having none of it.

Anyone else like that Angela is wearing pants and what look like practical shoes?

“on one issue”

This is EXACTLY why I didn’t trust Bernie from day 1.

I’m with you. I think they both despise each other but she’s just as greedy, ruthless & proud as any other Trump.

Is she? She clearly doesn’t want anything to do with being FLOTUS and wants to live a socialite’s life in NYC. This wasn’t supposed to happen and she’s clearly not happy about it. I just don’t think that when the time comes for Trump and his closest advisors to retreat to their bunker to take their cyanide pills, that

I don’t know about the circumstances of her marriage or what goes on behind closed doors, and I’ll leave speculation to others. But in public she has revealed herself to be little more than a petulant bully, willing to use her platform as First Lady to cajole anyone who crosses her. If I was to wish being married to


Can we all agree that Melania is no captive victim here? She may despise her disgusting beast of a husband, but she’s in on the insanity all the same.  

Daily fucking reminder: