
Sessions should go after all the big drug companies that are sending millions and millions of pain pills to small towns, (W.Va received 2.8 million narco pills in a town of 3800, over a ten year span to two drug stores. They are the ones pushing drugs along with Dr. Feelgoods in the towns.

What part do you live in. I live on the beautiful Monterey Bay and Sessions is a foul word here. He wants to deport peaceful hardworking people that work on the farms picking the crops the US loves to eat. If our farm workers are deported, I don’t think Trump has realized that food prices will go sky high. If he adds

Joy should be the host on Meet the Press. She’s fantastic and Chuck isn’t.

They will want all the women to look like Fox news women, tight dresses, dyed blonde hair and way too much makeup.
Rachel will continue to add viewers as she’s one of the few speaking truth.

Since I only watch MSNBC and CNN and online news I’m not worried. If we notice propaganda being spread, we’ll contact station and boycott whatever is advertised by Sinclair.