Henry Case

Maybe it depends on the actual fibers that make up the fabric, but this is the method I use to make other things fit.  It works great for “breaking in” a new pair of hiking boots, if you’re able to soak them and then wear them until they dry.  Same with fabric hats (ballcaps, sunhats, etc...) that are just a bit too

“First Cow” wasn’t pretentious, at least the half I watched before giving up and turning it off wasn’t. Just dull.

Fargo. What a fantastic movie.

I tried First Cow...it redefines boring.

How did you see it already? It drops tomorrow on Netflix (or so I thought)...I have been looking forward to it!

...where’s Mulan?

I was a little surprised not to see Ma Rainey's Black Bottom on the list -- definitely one of the best films I saw this year. The sets and costumes were very good, the music was spectacular, and it included lots of amazing performances -- especially Chadwick Boseman's (in his final film role, sob) and Viola Davis (who

The Vast of Night (the only film on the list I saw) struck me as an exceptionally well made student film. Some shots were impressive, there was a nice attention to detail. But the story did nothing for me. 

Oh my head. Best films? No. Most pretentious? Definitely.First Cow” is an endless exercise in tedium. You wanna know what the best movie of 2020 is? FATMAN. An absolutely bonkers delight from beginning to end.

The most surprising part of this story is that Yahoo exists. Also, I see no benefit to Americans here. No one rides bikes* and our cars have cupholders.

Laugh-a while you can, Monkey-Boy!

It’s a lot like the original film really. It’s really simple western style stories with very little character development and even less world building. It’s honestly really fun, there’s literally nothing on TV that is this unashamedly pulpy with this sort of budget.  

My opinion: taken as a whole it’s the best Star Wars movie since Empire.

In-N-Out Burger. It’s the only thing I miss about Arizona. Well, that and swimming outside in the winter.

I have a 3 month old I use for overhead press to forward press compound movements. She’s only 12-13 pounds right now so it’s not too painful yet

Falafel at 2:00 AM from a truck outside of Harvard Yard. It was hot, just messy enough to keep me alert so I didn’t ruin my clothes, and wonderfully absorbent so that I didn’t have a hangover the next day. Perfect food at the perfect time. 

In France, a slice of apple pie is a perfectly cromulent breakfast

First time I ever saw him tuck a ciggie under the strings way way up on the neck of his guitar.

I call bullshit on calling HR. Unless it’s sexual harassment, HR is borderline useless and will not keep anything confidential.