I'm not trolling. I'm almost level 10 already you can check my xbox live account, it's the same as my kotaku name.
I'm not trolling. I'm almost level 10 already you can check my xbox live account, it's the same as my kotaku name.
This is such ridiculous pandering to the pathetic whiney men who think their oppression is the same as women's or anywhere near the same level. Really fucking disappointed to see this shit on Kotaku to be honest, but then you know I guess I'm not that surprised either considering the awful content of the comment…
I've been one of the lucky ones on 360 who's had little to no issues whatsoever, and it's been a fucking blast.
Any particular reason someone would want to hide a trophy? Not being sarcastic genuinely wondering if there is something legit behind that thinking..
Jesus the goal was decent, it wasn't as amazing as everyone is making out. If Danny Graham had scored that goal for Swansea last season there definitely wouldn't of been an article about it, or Vaz Tae for West Ham etc. Ozil has had some good assists and now a good goal. The masturbation from Arsenal fans over him is…
I doubt Manziel will even be declaring this year will he? Similar question mark around Hundley and Mariota. I'd expect them if they can to go for Bridgewater, failing that McCarron or Thomas, though the latter's draft stock has been tumbling.
Kirk is such a gaming hipster, of course he hasn't played GTA V whilst the rest of planet earth has.
You stop allowing yourself to be taken seriously the moment you start talking about "real" hip-hop as if a) that's a thing and b) you are in a position to define it. KRS-One, Rakim and DAS EFX are just as legitimate and conceptually "real" as Kanye West, Lil' Wayne and Gucci Mane when it comes to hip-hop. If you are…
I'm not sure you are fit to discuss hip hop.
Yeah, fuck Kanye! It's not like he's brought us some of the best hip hop albums ever made or anything.
I'm really glad this is being covered at least somewhere online.
Haha nice try. Skip Bayless is a fucking asshole.
I don't think male's have their fair share of 'struggles' for absolutely anything. Especially the majority white males who cosplay. No need to put that in to stop the idiots from kicking up shit in the comments.
This is so much just like a miniature and squeaky version of almost every Jets fan I've met it's scary.
I've noticed Em does this a lot on live TV stuff. Everyone assumes it's cause he's high as fuck but I'm not sure. I think he just likes to fuck with people in weird ways. Side note but somewhat related, his new song sucks.
Only thing certain about this Raiders team is that our franchise QB is not on it. Next year we will need to think carefully about a stacked QB class and who can take us forward. I'm hoping it will be Teddy Bridgewater, but I'm not mad at some of the other options either.
I'm a life long Tottenham fan born and raised in London and we definitely aren't going to win the premiership. I also don't know any fellow supporters who think we are.
Champions elect? No serious narrative has Spurs winning the premiership this year at all. Where have you got that from?
Can someone else other than an Arsenal fan please write the football articles on Deadspin please.
Kyle Fuller was easily one of the most impressive players of week 1. Without all eyes on Manziel, and the spectacular coming out of Winston he'd be spoken about more I think. Unfortunately, as there wasn't much of a fabricated narrative to be spun I think ESPN probably aren't that interested.