that's possibly the most uneducated gaming related comment i've ever seen posted on kotaku.
that's possibly the most uneducated gaming related comment i've ever seen posted on kotaku.
honestly, i feel like Stanislas Mettra's comments are being blown way out of proportion. he's already unnecessarily released a statement defending himself, and explaining himself adequately. is he now going to be bashed in every kotaku article published?
This article was amazing and extremely interesting to read. The comments below however are near enough a minefield of stupidity and insensitivity all rolled into one. How does a website like Kotaku who posts wonderful articles like these manage to attract such idiots along the way?
Straight pride is celebrated everyday, every hour and every minute of the society we live in. Please educate yourself.
The word 'faggot' always does harm. It doesn't matter whether you are saying it to some of your idiot peers in a jokey manner or whether you are actually outright using it maliciously. This word has context, it has years upon years of abuse tied to it. All this guy is trying to do is to make ignorant people like you…
no one says it won't be set in 80's L.A. ;)
if you assess 'mainstream hip hop' purely on lyricism then like i said, you are missing the point. i love mf doom, cage, ill bill and tons of other (namedropping) underground rappers as much as the next guy, but there is nothing wrong with enjoying a well made 'mainstream' hip hop song just because it doesn't 'speak…
as a starred commenter i believe its sometimes necessary to highlight stupidity in comments. thanks for your concern as a fellow starred commenter but really, iits not needed. please move along. p.s. do not believe he was trolling this seems like pretty legitimate stupidity. if you have any further problems with my…
This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. Mainstream hip-hop does not suck. This dated argument of 'hoes, cars, money' is ridiculous and completely misses the point of hip-hop in general.
actually, hip-hop is a culture and rap is a pillar of it. there are four pillars of hip hop: rapping, dj'ing, break dancing and graffiti. hip-hop is not a genre, its a culture. as KRS-One once said, 'rap is something you do, hip hop is something you live'
kotaku stop covering hip hop you just bring out the closet racists in the comments
look at this joker. everybody, come and look at this joker. look at him.
that's called being pretentious. i don't think many farce being offended. not that i was offended at the 'yellow' comment but it was tremendously lame.
by racism police do you mean 'morally sound and not dickheads'
See, when you start saying things like 'What makes you think you're entitled to someone else's time and attention?' we start getting into a whole heap of mess. That's a long dark road no one wants to go down.
What if this person's first language wasn't English? Even if it wasn't, since when did it become a requirement to address someone in a role playing video game with perfect grammar and spelling. This wasn't funny, it was lame.
Coming out is a big deal to everyone, and I understand everyone deals with it in their own personal way. However discouragement to people who do come out, or indeed people who do want to make a 'big deal' out of their sexuality should not be punished. Straight people celebrate their sexuality openly in a variety of…
I respect your religious beliefs but I don't respect your stupidity. No one here is denying you the right to practice your religion, if they were you'd have a point. However, expressing your regressive homophobic views entirely outside of a religious context in the comment section of a video games website…
Someone ban this guy immediately
no but general consensus amongst the hip hop community probably does. and there really aren't many people who wouldn't consider jay's 99 problems a classic.