seems a bit silly. surely they'd just get someone else from the company to que up. getting an anonymous developer from IW to play it would of been far worse, and far easier surely?
seems a bit silly. surely they'd just get someone else from the company to que up. getting an anonymous developer from IW to play it would of been far worse, and far easier surely?
alright, i think i'm going to go ahead and just do this. thanks for everyone for all the responses, really appreciated.
i think this is more a testament to how excellent the graphics were on ps2 than anything!
i never said it was price confirmation, i just thought it was interesting. of course its not going to be 800 bucks!
yeah, i was off in my off the top of my head conversions. I apologise for the hyperbole.
really? that's interesting actually.
what? i am calm. so i was bit off in my conversion rates. i was never aggressively stating that this was the actual price. i just thought it was interesting. there are too many defensive people around here!
might just go straight for the cheap copy.
yeah its a difficult question. i think fallous one of my favourite games of all time moatmosphere and setting than its open world exploration, but don't get me wrong i LOVED the freedom anide quests too.
i suppose really i am indifferent to dragons and stuff, i don't have any type of geek elitism that its 'lame' or any kind of shit like that, its just not my thing. i might give oblivion a shot, if its so cheap i dont have much to lose.
might just wait for skyrim instead of going back to oblivion.
yeah. i think its like a combined effort between the world fallout is set in and the general exploration and gameplay. what makes fallout 3 one of my favourite games of all time is probably the atmospherics, setting etc. over the open world exploration. but i think i may still be able to get something out of oblivion.
thanks, that helps.
uk retailer zavvi have already put up a pre-order price of £399.85, thats almost $800. absurd. heres the link: []
QUESTION! I have absolutely zero interest in 'deep fantasy' type of worlds, with dragons, mages etc. does this mean i won't like this game? I love Fallout 3 and New Vegas, never played oblivion, should I?
is that asuka at the end, or jun? either way, so excited! is this really still slated for release next year? i'd assume it was going to be released the fourth quarter of this year considering the heavy promo going on.
i didn't give specific titles. i was really just talking about third strike. and i mean the current SFIV has a lot of hip hop vibe and sound aesthetic to it, not counting the fact Jus Blaze commentated the commercial.
i do, indeed.
street fighters whole sound track aesthetic has always been rooted in hip hop, not the type of hip hop you probably think you know and already probably have some extremely misguided preconceptions about - but instrumental style that can be attributed to a lot of hip hops musical roots. as for specific examples, you'll…
agreed good sir.