Funky Butt-Loving

I mean, the serial killer’s kidnapped him to try and get cured. That’s something you don’t see all the time.

Clearly you weren’t invited to the pants party.

They’re putting everyone they interact with in danger and, especially when it’s a rich person like Wright, they have access to top-tier medical treatment that many others won’t be able to receive.

I didn’t juice. Also my period stopped.

Rachel Brosnahan (Mrs. Maisel) is not Jewish. It’s noted in the article.

I believe she’s speaking of Jewish ethnicity, not religion.   Also, I’m not saying anyone has to do anything.

Thank you for this insightful and extremely valuable comment. The internet was made a better place today, thanks to you. Pat yourself on the back, hero.

One shudders to imagine his take on the Hobbits’ feet.

My wife and I heard the name as “Murderboner”

Colin Corner: Feels like the chances of them circling back to that random Grindr line are getting pretty thin, but they did close the loop on his Lambo being way too much car for him, so I’m not giving up hope yet.

The narrative says they’ve had a supernaturally good winning streak. You’re assuming that’s on one dude, who is a self-obsessed ticking time bomb BTW, out of four - but we don’t see who it’s on because the focus hasn’t been on the games, it’s been on the things you clearly think are irrelevant or boring or whatever.

Look, I loathe what Nate is turning into, but I’ve gotta give it up to Nick Mohammed for selling it so fucking well. In the hands of another actor, I could see it happening with a shit-ton of mustache-twirling or cartoonishness. But the thing is, I think we as viewers see Nate heading down this path, being consumed by

I find Nate uncomfortably relatable this season. As a deeply insecure youth, I once received a positive comment in passing from someone famous in my field, and holy shit did I obsess over it exactly the way Nate did with the “wonder kid” situation, and developed a massively inflated ego that only years of sustained

You’re right that Nate’s story has other dimensions, but to me his reaction to the social media conversation is a byproduct of the toxic masculinity he’s allowed to drive his worldview. Allowing a single tweet—we haven’t seen him check social media since—to trigger something like his attack on Will does certainly

I didn’t really read the Ms. Bowen/Jamie thing as the show setting up love triangles.

Maybe it’s just me, but the scenario you lay out crosses a line of contrivance where I just don’t buy the idea of a real-life, football version of the Red Wedding playing out in such a fashion? The idea that Higgins would have been duped by a fake story, that all this money—the helicopter, the security detail,

Best episode since Jackie Daytona and easily in the top-5 of the series so far. Just crazy funny, inventive and original. The show at its best. The harmonica swallow was a riot.

This was awesome.

This is my issue right here. I get that its a comedy show and John Oliver’s objective is “entertain in a way that ultimately brings in eyeballs and thus subscribers to the company.” Solving the issue is rarely part of that. I know he forgave some student debt and did some minor things, but I am not sure structurally

I don’t think Oliver comes off as self-righteous or a zealot. And even if we accept your premise as reality on the audience, there’s still value in educating or offering different perspectives or insight to people who broadly agree with you, or throwing a massive spotlight on an underserved but necessary to discuss