Funky Butt-Loving

Maybe judge the show on what it is, not what you want it to be?

Totally forgot about the manscaping explanation. Thanks!

Loved the episode, but I may have missed something. Do we know why Eli and Martin were covered in blood in episode 1 now that we know they didn’t kill Thaniel? Whose blood was that?

A+ episode.

How’s Gus going to react to this?

Yeah thank goodness there’s not a cruel, conservative government or American society right now.

Barry Sonnenfeld made the leap from DP to director. He’s the only one I can think of.

She absolutely made a Bear Stearns joke.

Your house sounds judgmental.

You lost me when I saw “Sully” and “terrific” in the same sentence.

I liked it better a month ago.

From the showrunner who brought you Royals!

Wind River was okay. But, Brigsby Bear is legitimately one of my favorite movies this year.

The Right keeps winning because Liberals are willing to eat their own to placate false outrage. Meanwhile, the Right just calls every accusation Fake News and keep marching unimpeded.

Another one bites the dust.