Funky Butt-Loving

lol what? I think you’re confused, see Victoria Neuman is a fictional character, she doesn’t believe in any of that stuff because she’s not AOC (someone I don’t have a bad word to say about!), she’s Victoria Neuman.

She’s not a Nazi. She is evil. I find is scary how that is so hard to stomach for some because she is ‘progressive’. She’s a Supe! This show is all about how power corrupts. Just like Edgar. He rationalizes it with a semi valid point but he still chooses to work with a Nazi for profit and power.

But that’s the jump off point. You have expectations and they subvert them. I mean... this is fiction 101.

I think you are projecting too much on this. The Neuman reveal doesn’t mean Progressives = Nazis. It means she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we have not a clue what her game is. I didn’t get that take at all. Cults of personalities are bad things was my biggest take away. If, next year, they show her as committed

Canada has a conservative party and others in the center and further left. America has a centrist/conservative party and hard-right-Neo-Nazi party.

Politicitans exploit the willfully ignorant every day but Cohen does it to expose the worst in society. Politicians do it for personal gain.

What. He’s a satirist, that’s like the whole point of satire.

Exploited the willfully ignorant into... displaying their horrific prejudice. Revealing who you really are isn’t the the exploitation he’s talking about.

Honestly, Chris Rock’s opening monologue really pissed me off. It was 90% just the same old “the government doesn’t work” crap that fails to realize that the government failing to work, especially these days, is primarily the result of one party doing absolutely everything they can to prevent the government from

So, having seen the first episode, yeah - this is basically just another generic true crime show that they’ve slapped a familiar name (and that creepy theme music!) on in the hope that it will make it stand out from dozens and dozens of other similar productions.

Am I the only one who thinks it'd be cool to have gotten Kevin Costner to do the hosting job? 

I don't know, the world probably doesn't need another True Crime show in the vain of Making a Murderer and the narration was kinda half the fun.  Also how many crimes has reddit solved?  I somehow think they've made things worse.

I hope this doesn’t become a trend of matching character race with voice actor race. Whatever anyone says, it is impossible to tell someone’s race from their voice. Vocal cords don’t vary by skin color or ethnicity. A black Scotsman on the phone is going to sound more “Scottish” than how Americans think of as “black.”

My Jiggly Ball is a great Dr Kelso episode. Maybe the first time the show let Ken Jenkins flex a bit.

Just....put disclaimers on them. Or cut the scenes and keep the rest of the episode. This “scorched earth” approach and acting like it never existed in the first place isn’t a good solution.

Dang. “My Jiggly Ball” is actually a really important episode for Dr Kelso as a character as it shows his humanity and the emotional toll it takes on him to make tough moralistic choices. It’s got a pretty powerful ending.

I’m surprised that they’re not just editing the scenes out and adding a disclaimer during their original run times... Most of these have been extremely thoughtless sight gags that run only a few seconds, and if you’re leaving the rest of the show in circulation, you may as well just cut the scenes and put an apology

And services like Hulu and Netflix could easily offer parental controls to filter out such episodes for for their kids’ sub-accounts, if someone wished to do so.

Yanking whole episodes over brief scenes/cutaway gags? This is better than either adding disclaimers/apologies to the episodes, or, failing that, editing out the offending moments... how, exactly?

Yeah, I figured this was coming.