
Yeah, and I think the last episode's title, "The Soviet Division", may be foreseeing this.

I really expect to see Arkady meeting Oleg at least one more time.

Great catch! Thanks!

I really wish someday they won't bother asking about him, and he will be there and find everything out. That will be Poor Henry's reckoning.

Right now she's kind of a Schrödinger character. If she really is a spy, all the signs would have been there. If she's not, it also will be perfectly fine and all those signs were just red herrings. ahhhh

I read that in his voice.

They're like the Nurse Joys from this world

Wait, so they're not some kind of metaphor?

I call Attack of the Clones "The Sand One"

“You know the deal. What’s about to happen is gonna be hard to watch."

Oh come on Young-Hee. Not even Leia cried when they blew her planet out.

I was sure this was some joke about BvS I didn't really understand until I saw the NY Times link.

Yeah I think it was him too!

"That can be taken a couple ways."

So true. She said what we all wanted to say to him.

Yeah, and I think if Nina were really freed, she wouldn't even be allowed at that scientists place. Also, she wouldn't be the one to deliver Anton the news and the tickets.


Good Lord, I can't believe that was his explanation. So they were really killing us there.

The actor is probably way taller by now, so it'll be weird when he shows up since this season is taking place immediately after the events of last one's finale.

I always doubt that theory, I find it more easy for him to be just an annoying pastor. But anyway, isn't Hans South African or something like that?
Also, he's like a rookie spy. I remember Elizabeth training him last year.