
I think the U.S. will trade Zinaida from last season for Anton. So that should shake Nina's storyline up a bit.


I don't think so. He did fuck her entire life though.

No wonder she killed herself.

Also, Boy Carol Likes to Scare

Worst fight ever.

Your last sentence fits perfectly your profile picture.

"And if the problem is you don't want to waste bullets, USE YOUR BLOODY SWORD, MICHONNE!"

Yeah, by now I don't even know which scenario would be worse.
If he's dead: bad writing (way to kill off a main character, show)
If he's alive: bad writing!

Aside from overlooking the Battersea Power Station, I think the reviewer missed the fact that the main reason why Watson thought it was Mycroft who was bringing him there is because that was his assistant back from the first episode, the one who never stopped typing on her phone.

Yeah, you're right. The print would match "Amanda Clarke", and that's why Aiden said it would belong to a dead person.
I think that's it, they weren't switched before, which is an enormous oversight indeed.

That was a little confusing for me too, with so much going on. From what I got, Emily and Fauxmanda never switched their fingerprints on the juvie database. So, if the police checked it out, it would match Fauxmanda's, which would ultimately unravel their identity swap.