
Ahahaha! So true about the attachment anxiety. This was also true of the dog park/bar I used to frequent. The play area was separate from the building that housed the bar, and any time a GSD owner went back inside for a refill, the drama at the fence was endless. My guy freaks out if I go into my horse's stall without

I love that about GSDs. For some reason my mothers geriatric Daschund thinks she's one. Most protective little weenie in the world. Heh.

Yup, I had a shepherd mix who wouldn't let anyone he didn't trust within 10 feet of me, but he was cool with people once he saw they were welcomed. It was so nice to never feel afraid when he was around, including the time a creep followed me home while I was out walking him at about midnight one night. My lab is a

Same with Dobermans.

Any dog can be. My lab/dane is both the sweetest and most protective dog I've ever met.

I miss my German Shepherd. .she was an amazing dog. And now she has even more heroic company.

"Well, he was wearing a white shirt." Also, cool move mentioning the shoplifting. I didn't know that shoplifting was now punishable by death. Best warn 99.99% of all teenagers and children!!! Jk, just the ones that aren't white. Holy fuck.

His statement that Wilson "followed training and the law" is really creepy. It's like he's admitting that they train police to shoot unarmed black people.

He just would Not. Shut. Up.

I'm not even watching him anymore. I'm just listening to the live feed, listening outside, and hearing the choppers overhead.

And the most condescending press conference possible.

surprise the revolutionary war was actually about veganism

How hard is it to just not assault people?

Same here. Sad how familiar this sounds.

As opposed to the US where it isn't?

Yes, and in addition to confirmation bias, the just-world hypothesis is incredibly relevant for many feminist issues.

Sometimes when I'm walking on the sidewalk with my female friends we'll see something shiny in the street and run out into traffic to get a better look. I've lost so many friends that way. (And it's usually a gum wrapper.)

Wilfred cosplay has gotten way out of hand.

Do my job for a few hours and you will literally despair for humanity. (I work in policing)

I used to think (and say out of patron hearing) that a lot when I worked customer service. "These people got themselves up in the morning, got dressed, got in the car and drove somewhere, and yet...?!"