So I says to Mabel, I says..

I'm sure we will get a quick quip about Dave and his time in Canada with Alanis. At least some weird allusion.

Nah, it's gotta be: Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge

I feel like Forever 21 or Hot Topic had this idea like 10 years ago

Two Guys, A Girl, and A Shart

We must look to the Hulk Hogan article, that's gonna be…um…something

"Don't look at me, man. I was just walking back from the movies. I think I seen a guy run from the alley. Can I go now?"

Well, He sure is acting Cool as Ice about it

As an actual former Mayor's aide, I depressingly realized how earnestly I believed that once. But remembered the good times of shouting, "I work for the Mayor! Stand aside!"

When I grow up, I want to be a steam shovel!

So easy you forget Wu-Tang's The Financial. "Diversify your bonds" was great advice/song.

Um, excuse me, I believe jail has half days like Army. Right?!

and he means no disrespect on his very special episode of Ghost Bouncers.

In the Midwest, they still do!

Yeah! He didn't even get the lips right!

"It's my job to be repetitive. My job. My job. Repetitiveness is my job"

I think we first got our taste of "Horrible Judgement" Whoopi when she pushed Ted Danson to perform in blackface at the Friars in the early 90s. Everyone seemed to let that just pass.

Or go to your local deli/grocery store and buy the ingredients. Throw meats and breads at your local woman in a kitchen. Demand sammwich. Results may vary.

I just learned that fact about him being above a Subway. I don't know what makes me more confused, the thought of him being too lazy to walk across the street to a better food place/grocery store or that he willingly went into a Subway and lived above that smell

I think totally erasing the original singer's contribution and "recasting" is worse but seeing her in that full black suit at the beach, just….ugh.

Damn, Jindal's not going to like that "Bobby's World: All American Patriot" is cancelled.