So I says to Mabel, I says..

Just because you close your eyes and jam your fingers in your ears, it really doesn't make trans or gay people go away, you know. Many have served courageously and many will continue. Stop with the "social justice kills" non-sense, just say you want your fear and bigotry protected, that is what you truly mean.

No, you didn't. You came here to stir up up people. You came here to try to "drink up the liberal tears" and disrupt the "snowflakes." You are a troll, not because you don't think like us but you enjoy rolling around in the filth of made up facts, putting down others, and adding nothing to the conversation.

I remember he kept cash (like pictured above) in empty shoe boxes in the kitchen and other places around his house.

I think it's pretty evident who has the diseased mind here. I have seen more complaining about this boogeyman Obummer and Crooked Hillary than actual praise of Trump or his actual 5 months of actual work. Fear of MSM spreading more lies than actual, multiple news sources or research that back up your facts. If we are

I don't think you could even recognize what logic is. Yes, that is literally what this thread has become: complaining, gloating, and "alternative facts" that keep getting perpetuated. We've heard them before. Why not tell this to Trump and his people? Instead of whining to us about the horrors of Obama and Hillary,

So when you called me libtard that wasn't you shoving me in a classification? Or yourself, Mr. Real American? Hey, I believe that you believe that your a real American. You're welcome to have a different opinion on what makes American Great Again™. Just why all this whining if Trump supposed to fix the system and help

I'm not arguing about a past president. We have a new administration, try talking about that. Obamacare is being dismantled, tell me how your life is getting better once its gone. The new administration has power in the executive branch and the legislative branch, you should be telling us about a dawn of a new era not

I think you and I have a point that we agree on! Any bible verse can be used to justify and be bent to one's own personal ideology. I understood his own bible verse was supposed to be directed at "libtards" but I could easily have said, "you are but what I am?"
I can see the good fruit from Obama but apparently you

I don't understand what you said but here's a bible verse for you: "Behold, I am against those who have prophesied false dreams," declares the LORD, "and related them and led My people astray by their falsehoods and reckless boasting; yet I did not send them or command them, nor do they furnish this people the

Why is the Breitbart/Drudge/RussianTroll Brigade spamming this thread (or any thread)? Obama's not president, Hillary lost, you guys should be happy! But all you do is complain and bring up old conspiracy theories. Shouldn't you be bringing us the Good Word of Trump like a proud follower? All this spamming is sad,

You somehow made a wrong assumption out of two sentences in my reply and assumed what I consider a fact as wrong. I don't see how that is helpful in discussing or arguing. What I consider "facts": We live on planet Earth, Obama was not born in Kenya, President Trump actually said "grab'em by the pussy" on tape, and

I would like more civility in discussing viewpoints. But it can't be done with those that act out of willful ignorance and/or greed. I can't have an argument with someone that thinks in all or nothing terms. I've argued and argued that basic facts aren't opinion but it doesn't sink in. I don't like the implication

So what's the lesson here? Even though a corporation wouldn't make as much money on a show and that show already lasted about 6 seasons, it should be kept around to coddle conservatives (about 10,000 of them that even cared enough to sign a petition)? Because if we don't, an even bigger idiot will be placed in power

This is so sad, I hope Billie and family have the love and support needed to get through this.
I was introduced to the amazing Debbie Reynolds through the Tammy films (and her guest spot on Golden Girls). As a teen who perputally was in puppy love and getting into classic films, I loved them. You will be greatly

It would be great but I feel like his loyalty and conscience are always up for the highest bidder/most clicks. Years from now, we could be hearing about his year long investigation piece into Commie Liberals and their secret abortion mills.

We're in this weird "Us vs. Them" in relation to the economy and jobs. Yes, the government made it easier and encouraged globalization but Big business pretty much lobby hard for it, too. I don't see how anyone can believe that the big manufacturing plant that supported your town is coming back. My white in laws (and

It's a little bit frightening how much Ruby reminds me of my mom, from the way Ruby asked if AV and Pops' had any weed to the Cache-Chico's jokes.

I have a huge soft spot for terrible songs. "We built this City" has been burned on a CD and is always added to my new playlist. I think "Gloria" , "Red, Red Wine" are awesome songs. But I will never ever like "Cotton Eyed Joe." That song is abomination. An international blight on humanity.

Yeah, pretty much us locals have moved on from it. The only time I hear about it is when some out of town dumbass is trying topical humor or people on the internet wailing about Justice for Harambe. Damn it, there are so many more worse people, institutions that we can send our unfunny tweets to, why focus on a zoo?

They should really learn to get along because they are down to, whatchamacallit? oh, Crunch time.