So I says to Mabel, I says..

Real Housewives of New Jersey, mini scandal is created on the "Does He fucking know who I am?" episode.

Does this also apply to cats? This question isn't for me…my cat despises labels and archaic institutions.

I enjoy high speed storytelling but once it came down to "How is Nancy going to fuck her way out of this one?", it became sorta tedious. I can remember how much I didn't like the plot with the Russian guy but for the life of me, I can't remember what that whole mess was about.

Yes. The push up bra is for the "heaving bosom" look.

"But, Sally, I'm a Pepper! You're a Pepper! I'm a Pepper!!!.."

Thanks for helping me realize how much I want Jem's Misfits to crossover to Orange is the New Black. "The ladies of Litchenfield get a lesson in rock and roll (and talent show help!) when a scuzzy washed up girl group are the next arrivals to the prison."

and Alicia Silverstone as the token white hairdresser in a black beauty salon. It was…weird.

Yep, Beauty Shop. Was played so much on USA network with that weird ass Monique and the skinny bitches movie.

My mother is so similar to Aleida, it was kind of hard to watch. If something threatened my mother's status as the most benevolent (and fun) mother of all, she would mock it and encourage the rest (my siblings) to. I can recognize in Aleida and my mother that they really have no idea about the emotional/nurturing side

If the South is every bit as unique, helps their fellow man, and hardworking as anywhere else, why should it be content with being represented by a flag that revels in divisiveness, segregation, and us versus them mentality? a flag that means violence and "you're subhuman" to black people? As someone born and raised

Reserve Racism! I'm off to a good start on my bingo card of "White Heritage is a sufferin', y'all!"

Apparently, Yuccie is a thing now.

"No one could have been happier, unless it would have also been Valentine's Day. What? It was? Hooray!"

At season 3, it's become more apparent that Piper and Alex are the weakest part of the show. The show is showcasing characters that are barely portrayed or thought about. With Piper, there isn't conflict or drama created by others but by her own destruction and it happens over and over again, same reaction over again.