There's everything wrong with it when you're bringing food into a restaurant. That's not even legal in many places, and in another one of my posts, I outlined good reasons why people can't bring food into an establishment that serves it. That doesn't mean they need to sit at home, miserably huddled over their plates…
Why is it that people with the most money seem to be the biggest tightwads? My Uncle is acting president of a university (which, seriously, almost everyone in my family went to), but in his previous life, worked in investments/real estate and made a boat load of money. When said-University played its big homecoming…
Oh God! That makes me so sad! I am so sorry! I also feel so sorry for your Mother! People not showing up for a party is a major stress! I did read a great comment where a parent, after seeing only 3 kids showed up for a party of 20++ took those kids to the movies, pizza, and laser tag! She said her son had the…
oh yeah? My kids have never even HEARD of TV because all their playtime is structured around reading and creating organic felt crafts followed by meditation...
Omigosh ... when my step-daughters were eight, I had a Backstreet Boys themed sleepover. (Don't judge ... BSB was at the height of their glory and my girls ADORED them.) So I made goody bags with custom t-shirts ("I'm with the birthday girl" or "I'm the birthday girl" and transfers of the band and such) ... burned…
That happened to me as a kid. It hurt. 15 years later and I still remember it. My mom couldn't really afford it, but she did it anyway and there was just us and the 3 neighbour kids. The employees at the place looked so embarassed for me. 😔
oh, you let your kids play video games?!? We don't even own a tv. ( we own like 4)
Should've sent a check that was $1 short, THAT would have been passive-aggressive gold.
There's a certain comfort in knowing that as awful as I can sometimes be, I am not The Worst.
I throw a big birthday party for 5 of my kids in the summer. The pool is open, trampoline's in use, BBQ going, hot tub's hot, and swing set in full swing. They can invite 2 of their friends, and I invite the close friends and family. I require parents to stay with their children, no exceptions. I don't need a…
His teacher specifically asked for used items. She is rad.
My son's K teacher asked for donations for the class prize box, so I sent all kinds of goody bag junk to school with him, and it was fun to see kids so happy to get a little plastic dinosaur that had been at the bottom of his toy box. We should at least be recycling this crap before sending it to the land fill.
I like the logic that leads people to encounter something rude and respond with BATSHIT HYPERDIMENSIONAL RUDENESS. "Oh, you think you're ill-mannered and ill-bred? WELL I'LL SHOW YOU ILL-MANNERS AND ILL-BREEDING!"
Sometimes I wonder, "Am I a bad person?" And then stories like this are published and I realize invoicing a kid's parents for missing a birthday party would never even cross my mind.
How about instead of having a big party, you barbecue some hot dogs and burgers and let the kids play Smash Bros/Mario Party and kibbutz with other parents?
I would never do it, but how tempting. I put a halt to big birthday parties for my daughter after her 6th birthday—a bunch of people didn't RSVP, and some RSVPd they were coming and didn't show. It was so frustrating to spend the time and effort to put it together and walk in not having any idea how many kids were…
Yesterday 32:45 AM
Wait, what? Did the couple legitimately want to just camp out at a restaurant table and eat whatever it is crazy people eat?