God didn't intend a rape to occur, he just can't stop us women from refusing to "lie back and enjoy it." We're troublemakers like that.
God didn't intend a rape to occur, he just can't stop us women from refusing to "lie back and enjoy it." We're troublemakers like that.
Dammit, I just got really sad because I KNOW I have at least a dozen sheets of Lisa Frank stickers from the early 90's somewhere in my apartment, but I could only find one (killer whales, with a single 'horse w/rainbow background' sticker I stuck on top for some reason). If only I'd had the foresight to keep my…
Seriously. "What, so I can't ever talk to women in public? How else am I supposed to get laid?!"
Lonely Mountain Treasure is obviously a bowl on croutons on a pile of hot rocks with a side of mayonnaise.
Indeed. My tortoiseshell kitty does probably come off as 'aloof and intolerant' to some people, but that's just because she doesn't tolerate assholes.
And your experience with all two of them is totally accurate.
Maybe put on your hazard lights? I've never been in this position before, but I don't own a cell phone and that's probably what I'd do, with the hope that the cop will recognize I'm aware of them and just looking for a safe place to pull over. Then when I did stop, I guess I'd just explain it and hope they wont be a…
YES. I'd completely watch a show just dedicated to his Rumpelstiltskin.
That's not what I'm saying at all, on several points.
What, exactly, has Rick done that deserves the rest of the group's deference to his authority? The damn fool wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for Glenn.
I am, actually. My point was that they still seem to talk about their marriage as if it's some bizarre 1960's fantasy where being a 'good wife' is more important than anything else. Their entire world has gone to shit, but all Lori can talk about is how sad she is that she isn't a better wife? Please. Hell, I'm…
I knew it wouldn't really happen, but I was disappointed when Tomas' plan to kill Rick didn't work. I feel like AMC still wants me to think he's the awesome hero of the story, when he's really an enormous jackass.
That's not a sun salutation, that's a snuggles salute.
I liked the combat in the second better (and as you said, really frustrating in the first. The auto-combat is not great), but the RP options felt lacking. I liked it, but it was limited. I would LOVE a multiplayer* option in the next game, a more refined combat system, and a more open world.
When I wake up the next morning on my couch with d20's imprinted on my face, I'll just assume they put the cost of the transporter on my tab.
Garak can't lie to him.
So Tolkein had the imagination to create an intricate, highly detailed-world full of fantastic races and magic, but a more equal representation of women was just WAY beyond his comprehension? Because women in battle apparently wasn't, as long as there was only one, I guess.
Yeah, Whedon is not always at his best (sometimes even really bad), but even Angel season 4 has it's moments, and that is MY MOST HATED WHEDON ANYTHING EVER. I don't expect DH2 (we can call it that, right?) to be as good as the first, but we know we'll all watch it and memorize the songs anyway. Because musicals and…
And I'm completely ok with that. I think it's kind of silly to pay for packs on MP, but lots of those people probably think a bunch of shit I pay for is silly, too, so to each their own. Doesn't stop me from annihilating banshees.
CA legislators passed this law based on the general consensus of the medical community that this kind of 'therapy' is harmful and anti-scientific. It's not something they just pulled out of their asses. I don't want the government between myself and my medical choices any more than you do, but it does have a role to…