henri bemis

I've been ready for 3D dinosaurs since forever. Those 3D dinosaur documentaries you could see at museums? THOSE WERE MY FAVORITE THING EVER OMG. My inner 8-year-old has been waiting for this her entire life.

But that was sort of the point! (that what came back wasn't really Buffy, at least not the Buffy we know). I do totally understand why some fans prefer to think of S5 as the end, but I can't help but think that some kind of abridged S6&7 would change all the minds. There are an unfortunate amount of craptastic

Seriously! I totally hate it when RPGs give me the completely optional and easily avoidable chance to engage in romantic relationships with various characters of all genders and races. It's like they're encouraging me to develop my own character, with as many choices as possible! I HATE that!

If games had historically not been made "about and specifically for" straight people since... well, the very beginning of gaming that includes character relationships, I might not have this massive eyeroll cramp.

Agreed. As a whole, the last two seasons of Buffy aren't as strong, but there are some stellar episodes, or even just moments, I would never give up, even if I have to sit through the "magic is DRUGZ" storyline again. There is a lot to love about the last two seasons.

The perfect gift for the clever girl. Oh, birthday, you can't come soon enough.

Even though I tend to gravitate toward RPGs more than any other genre, I can forgive a not-quite-coherent story if the mechanics are good and the combat is fun and interesting. And I like games I think will hold up a few years later, even if I don't feel compelled to replay them immediately.

That's exactly what my experience has been - I'm not always happy with my options, but I love gaming too much to give it up. I was lucky to grow up with a gamer dad who always had the latest console and PC games, and even though I always had a wide variety of games to choose from, it was rare to see my gender

Though it wasn't really a *last* stand, I feel like Susan Ivanova at least deserves an honorable mention. She rightly assumed she might die, and gave one of the most epic, badass speeches in SF TV history. When I go, I'm going like Ivanova.

Ok, that makes me excited again! I keep meaning to continue reading them, and I think a lot of my hesitance is just that it's such an abrupt change from TV to comics. I have trouble thinking of it as "Season 8" and not "that comic spin-off," but that's my own shit to deal with. And I thought the last episode of

Ugh. I love (and I mean LOVE. I'd be hard-pressed to find an episode of either series I haven't watched at least a dozen times) BTVS and Angel, but when it comes to the comics, I never really made it past the third Buffy collection. Now I'm not sure I want to. Buffyverse has always been cheesy, and that's kind of

But "good game with male protagonist" and "mediocre game with female protagonist" aren't (and shouldn't be) the only two options. And yes, if I were presented with two equally "good" games, I'd probably buy the one with a female protagonist first. I've played a lot of great games with male leads, but great games

I liked it overall, but I was so annoyed with Nick when he was trying to explain the Wessen - like you said, why didn't he take her to Pilates Wolf IMMEDIATELY? In the car, he could say "Hey, you know that hair you found that you couldn't identify, and then later you wondered if maybe there are creatures out there we

Who in their right mind would say no to a game of twister with Misha Collins? I know, leviathans, fate of the world, blah blah, but we're talking about a game of twister with Misha Collins, here.

I didn't plan on wading into this shitstorm, but did you REALLY just compare the psychological burden of internalized racism, misogyny, and homophobia with "feeling bad" about being white because "our ancestors sucked" ("sucked" is a pretty mild way of describing slavery and genocide). REALLY? (someone get me Seth

I loved the body-swapping plot, and I think the cast did an amazing job with it. But the not-really-love-quadtastrophe with Carter, Allison, Jo, and Zane is really getting old. The petty jealousy, the implication that Zane and Allison are mad at Carter and Jo simply because it is conceivable that they might get

I liked how they killed off Holly, actually. It was kind of Whedonesque. I'd like to see them replace her with a simulation, and have Fargo noticing that something is Not Right with her be the catalyst that helps them defeat Wen and Barlowe. They've made it clear that they set the simulation 4 years after the

No, I got your point. You want logic - we ARE talking about humans here, and we really exist, unlike elves and tieflings! But we can breed with elves, demons (hey, you brought up tieflings), and goodness help those poor half-orcs. Logic!

Ahhhhh, I loved Space Cases. No one I know remembers it, and that makes me sad.

Yeah, because we all play D&D campaigns set in Western Europe. On Earth. I'm having some difficulty locating Faerun on a map, though.