henri, with an *i*

Grow up, sonny, and hike up those drawers. Your envy is on display. In 14 months, I have never exceeded appropriate speed in parking lots, nor have I ever disengaged the MSP traction and stability control.

Won’t somebody please think of the fucking children.

Perhaps he was caught up singing the hit track from The Little Mermaid, “Honda the Sea”.

6 quarts of oil for $14? Did you buy that used too?

You sound rather bitter.

Somebody woke up an asshole today

Sweetheart, I read all of what you wrote here and there is no comparison. First, I am a woman so I have no need to measure my dick like you. Second, Fuck you, not them. Clearly the best part of you ended up on your Mother’s sheets.

A third gen Toyota 4runner is not exactly fast... But let me guess, that’s your “other car” you’re talking about... Not the one you’re proud enough to put in your screen name lol

Anyone else love the genuine excitement on the dude’s face? I know it’s easy to hate people who can buy 6 figure cars but he’s like a kid unwrapping a nintendo, i can’t help but be happy for him.

This. A million times this. People bashing on a Camry do it because they just jumped on a Camry-bashing wagon, not because anything they say has any merit.

Hi Blake! Glad you could join us.

I immediately thought about how my mother drives on the highway. She assumes that because she drives a newer Durango with a Hemi people should move over. She refuses to get out of the left lane after passing people at 80mph and now that she has passed them assumes she can resume doing 70mph... Such horrible logic and

Here in texas we dont really have that law. I mean only in the roads where it has posted signs that say left lane for passing only. But all other highways have posted speeds of 65. That means the right lane is doing 70-75 and the left lane is doing 80+. You dont drive slow here because all the pickups have nerf bars

Come on now. What would the dealer have done if the buyer actually went along with it? Hit the fucking thing with a hammer?

Well, if they can afford it I think they have way more than you think in their heads

This is absolutely ridiculous:

There’s a dentist in Minnesota trying to hide his stiffy right now.

No. I’m not wrong... I negotiate every fucking day. It’s my job. I know how to negotiate.

Your dad’s “solution” is the mark of an arrogant asshole with nothing better to do than waste people’s time who actually work for a living. Fuck your dad.

Your dad sounds like an asshole.