
I honestly don’t think they were trying to cheat with the weight. Someone just did their calculation without enough room for margin of error. They know the car will change weight distribution as it burns fuel, but they they don’t know how much rubber will accumulate exactly. Most teams err on the side of caution. They

False, you are a HondaBro not a ToyotaBro.

The Coke “Freestyle” machines that you mention are the current bane of my existence. It always seems that I get stuck at the machine behind Gramps and Betty Lou from Sun City, who stare at in in a manner not unlike the apes beholding the Monolith in “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

What is the GM order code for the dealer-installed “Smash Into Plate Glass Window” option?

Had the exact same thought.

Nope. Mountain Dew is unofficially the official drink of auto dealers. Salesman and especially mechanics live off the stuff. I’ve been out of the industry for over 5 years and still can’t kick the habit.

Nope, down in VA. Seems to be a more recent development in the past few years, along with people that just blatantly ignore red lights. It’s one thing to scoot through a red light at the last minute, but when 3-4 cars just continue going through it while cars with a green light wait, that’s getting pretty crazy.

I’m not gonna say 100%, but maybe 75%. The truck driver was an asshole for going for it so aggressively, but the BMW driver could have been more courteous/careful.

I mean, we don’t see it but that approaching truck MUST have been in his side view mirror. He left a huge gap there, so it’s not unreasonable for a car to try and merge. He likely wasn’t paying attention or was deliberately trying to cut off the truck before it could merge in front of him for whatever reason.

She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

He didn’t randomly move up, I’m sure he saw the truck coming and tried to block him off.

Ugggg so much going on here. 1. Why do people do this leave a gap the size of a city bus thing. 2. Why did dude only decide to close said gap when the pick up truck decided to jump in to the gap this guy left. 3. Why am I not surprised that the pick up truck occupants were exactly what I expected the pickup truck

My shit = lost

St. Maarten has a tiny little airport and not all that many flights a day. Maybe 40 total, all day long. It isn’t like he was honeymooning near O’Hare.

4chan will do that to you.

Is it just my twisted mind from too many years of internet, or did anyone else look at this picture and immediately think ‘Giant Flying Cock and Balls’

I totally agree.