“If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst!”
“If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst!”
Cosplay is very different in Russia, and I suspect for the rest of Eastern Europe as well. While most costumes in the West are made by one person who then wears it themselves, big costumes in Russia tend to be made by groups of people working together. It’s easy to imagine why their costumes (and photography, and…
My guess is that it’s the quality of their work down to the minute prop details. See this costuming:
Also team Instinct represents the most fun part of the game, hatching Pokemon!
That’s not because the game is not successful (which it is, as it made over 200 million in the first month alone), but because Nintendo simply doesn’t see a big cut (they only hold a 33% stake in the Pokemon Company). Apparently, that shocked shareholders, which as far as I know is the only reason why Nintendo lost…
Taiwan isn’t part of China. Not as far as Taiwanese are concerned. China disagrees though. Its weird.
Ya, you can dodge special attacks pretty reliably. So you can take out a gym stocked with critters over twice your CP without too much trouble.
I think that we can safely assume Blanche is female, due to, well, being named Blanche.
It’s actually dried glue.
He missed his mouth the first time.
One I always thought was interesting was in Chrono Trigger, where the game refers to Magus by name many times over, but then late in the game when he joins your party you’re able to rename him. It just seems odd that anyone, at that point, would name him anything other than Magus (or potentially Janus if you’re fancy)…
Incidentally, Jack’s intro is a complete ripoff of Hiro’s from Lunar 2. Hell, Jack even has the stupid animal companion.