
Word of warning for those who have only watched the anime, some of the challenge modes in this game spoil some of the characters/enemy Titans that appear after the events of the first season, so if you don't want anything spoiled, probably wait to play the game after season 2.

I was never huge into the anime (I really only like about 3) but I picked up this game the moment it went live on steam (about 6am) and I’ve played a ton of it and I really enjoy it. The reason for me posting this is because I think there will be people out there who go “I don’t like the anime I won’t like that game”

High School rap, obviously,.

They are really taking the “we want the opposite of ffxiii” criticism to heart huh.

Once more: change “I’m a passenger” button in Pokemon GO into slide-to-unlock pattern.

To be fair, their eyes are still on the road, better than the guy who took the time to turn 90 degrees and take the photo.

You know what’s the real menace on the road that nobody wants to call attention to?

Then the same accident would happen with the dude checking his email, or messages, or whatever else...

Its almost like car accidents didn’t occur before Pokémon GO if headlines are to be believed...

Honeslty, Nintendo should just lock the game if you’re going more than 15mph. They already do that when you’re trying to hatch eggs, but when you’re driving, forget about it!

Or you could just stop showing up. That’s also an option

Wow. I just now noticed that Mei’s got a drone on her back that looks like a droid. I’ve been playing this game for months. Way to go, that mom.

PSP version looks wonderful and was my favorite to play. Not sure if it lets you switch party members at the end though. But the great resolution and clarity on the sprites won me over fast.

I wouldn’t say it was because of Pokemon Go. Sure, he was playing it, but the situation occurred because he was being an inconsiderate moron. This type of manslaughter happens all the time.

Umm, never? The game even warns you incessantly that you are going too fast and that you should never play while driving. It asks you to confirm you are a passenger every time. That shifts the liability on the operator of the vehicle and phone. You have to continuously and willfully defeat a safeguard here. It’s not

because it’s new hence, new-s

A bike goes faster than 6MPH, which is how some players use the app.

So is this the first case of manslaughter because of Pokémon Go? I know there’s been a few people who fell of cliffs but haven’t heard anything like this. Either way, pretty sad.

Texting and driving aren’t safe. Why shouldn’t this extend to playing video games? And WTF. Car Mode should be mandatory.

If the game requires GPS and uses accelerometer in the phone surely they should have a lock on using the game if going above 5-6 MPH.