
I don’t remember the main protagonist winning important competitions to be a hindrance towards whether they can continue the plot or not? Didn’t Yugi from Yugioh win Duelist Kingdom and Battle City, be proclaimed the champion, and continue on more adventures right afterwards? Didn’t Tyson from Beyblade win the world

Thus the circle continues

A lot of people think that Pokémon is an anime with a long continuing scenario like One Piece and other shonens. But it’s primarly a show aimed at kids, that they basically “reboot” each region. Why everyone is upset about the league but not the fact that he starts a new team each time?

The show is literally a 30 minute Pokemon commercial.. so when everyone’s getting all upset, I’m over here like:

Well they could have had Ash win in the earlier seasons and have one of the trainers based on other game protagonists take over as main character. Not only would that have allowed Ash and co to develop more as characters (and actually get older) it would be arguably better marketing-wise since the protag from the

Your title is kind of a spoiler in itself just a heads up.

You know what the saddest thing is? After all the hype and care they put into Ash’s Greninja....he’s just going to abandon Greninja at Oak’s lab once he heads off to Alola. Keep in mind his Greninja is probably the non-Pikachu Pokemon of his they put the most effort into since freaking Charizard. So the fact that the

Should have left it up to twitch chat

The series will end with Ash flipping tables, throwing pokeballs in a river and taking up a bicycle shop.

Everyone should a known Satoshi was going to lose.

He was fighting a hero/other main character, that is being tricked by the bad guys. He needs his high, right before they give him his fall. Anime loves it’s tropes.

I wonder if we will see Alain make this face again, once he learns Fleur De Lis(Lysandre) was tricking

Now playing

Gary Oak predicted all of this back in Season 1. Deepest lore.

Wow, so you’re telling me that the plot did not advance in a meaningful way in a series with over 900 episodes of filler, where the main character has been 10 years old for nearly 20 years?

Another one is understanding how much it takes to burn calories compared to ingesting them.

Feeling obligated to finish your plate

Emotes were really fun and interesting when I first encountered them... 16 years ago in Everquest.

Now playing

Still waiting for some of their taunts to be team-based.

What this article leaves out is that these shenanigans are on the Public Test Realm, where things are to be tested and no progress carries over to live anyway so it’s cool to mess around.

It’s the Figure. Those go for about $80-$100 by themselves.

Your best bet is to contact whoever they are shipping with and explain your situation to them cause that makes absolutely no sense. There’s no physical product to speak of and thus no shipping manifest has even been created. Plenty of time to alter such info.