Are you proud of your inappropriate tone and unpleasantness? Sounds like you could use some chewing gum.
One was walking the street, the other honked: 1 year in prison?
at least they weren’t chewing gum
No, but once you can customise? iOS “Useless Apps” replica ahoy!
lol at the people over at PlayStation blog wanting to know when Backwards Compatibility is coming. I can’t believe that this far into current gen that there would be so many folks with blinders on.
My PSN name is 420noscopemlgstrats there's a special spot in he'll for the Sony exec that keeps preventing this feature from being a thing.
One thing Id love to see is to completely wipe out throphies from my profile, also, being able to switch your current residence and PSN ID name.
“There’s no multiplayer. It was confirmed before the game released on PS4.”
That’s because, back in the day, there was no open forum with which to discuss this sort of thing. Give people an open forum, and they just shit all over it. Source: all the YouTube comments.
And not a SINGLE one of them had a moment of self reflection and were able to admit they were wrong and that their passion clouded their reasonable judgement.
The older I get the, the more I disconnect myself with other “gamers.” I just don't understand this mindset, ****ing nut jobs.
That poor man lost a personal friend between GameStop visits.
Man, why go to all the trouble to record a new score and make it so anemic compared with the original?
PSA: Docile children lead to content parents.
The energy in the Japanese version could make the children actually get off the couch in excitement and hurt themselves.