I dont see the need. The fact it has been released on the internet means it will never be lost until they destroy the internet and every pc and storage device on earth
“And Luke (and others) were saying it wouldn’t get taken down”
Relevant, from my E3 interview with director Hajime Tabata:
Just had to delay this one too, didn’t you Jason?
That was eggscruciating to read. :P
It always annoys me when companies are so cryptic with the updates. Nintendo is a master in this regard, considering how they handled Smash updates.
Eggcellent reporting. I hope they crack the case soon. Cheating like this is no yolk. People who spoil other’s fun really makes my blood boil. They are basically poaching gyms. Their accounts should be fried.
Orange Islands isn’t an official league. It’s anime filler.
For some inexplicable reason I thought for a moment this article was talking about Ash from the Evil Dead. I was really confused.
I don’t know much about the Pokemon anime, but I do know that the other finalist — Alain — has made it his goal to travel around the world and beat every single Mega Evolution Pokemon with his Mega Charizard X. And they animated that in a full season!! There’s no way that Ash will beat that level of manliness.
NBC= No Black Champions?
His new ability doubles his speed under the move “electric terrain”. which lasts 5 turns, increses electric moves 50% and prevents sleep.
While I love N as a character the change with Team Plasma happened in Black and White themselves not their sequels and it did leave a bad taste in my mouth. At the climax of the game it was revealed that N might have been the figurehead of the group but the actual leader of Plasma was their primary sage and N’s…
“What is it?”
“I’ve just noticed our uniforms have skulls on them.”
“Guzma...are we the baddies?”
Boo hoo? Not interested? Don’t click into it? It seems pretty simple to me.
See if it learns actual Surf.
Hell, even Ash is going to be tempted to evolve his Pikachu into a badass, surfing, Psychic Raichu!