Henley Regatta

'Pad-gam', uh what? I've always heard it pronounced Padge-ham.

"Behind the Candelabra"is up with his best work, not least for the delicious cameo from Rob Lowe as a plastic surgeon. Don't let the fact that it failed to get a theatrical release in the US put you off.

"surrealism and dadaism were just artistic movements; now the core tenets
of those approaches have unwittingly been adopted by our nation’s youth".

"Don't be evil".

At the screening I went to they showed a trailer for 'Darkest Hour', with Gary Oldman as Churchill. Looks like he gives a barnstorming performance.I think getting the guts and bravado of Chuchill's speech into 'Dunkirk' would have skewed the movie badly. The main thing is that all these guys, other than a few

No, but he talks shite.

I really hope the Coen brothers do the film of this horror show of a presidency. Each new detail which is leaked highlights the black farce at the center of government. Maybe even Clooney could play the lead role as part 4 of the idiot trilogy.

Happy birthday David, 65 today!

Fake news. Truth is the Donald wanted a selfie with Harry Styles and had a hissy fit when he refused.

Hey slow down with the ageism, I'm 51. Though tbh I'm not hip or cool either.

Haiku? Is that some new variation of bukakke?

Can't wait for his latest work; "Piers Morgan pounded in the butt by world's second best author J.K/ Rowling".

This makes me sad to know that he's really left all the presidential work behind and is settling into civilian life. Even more so as he's left us with a paranoid manbaby who's going to spend the next 4 years whinging that he's not as loved as Obama.

Glad went off on one on Saturday. If he hadn't may never have had the chance to see him in Donald Trump's anal cavity https://www.theguardian.com…

Missed a trick by not using a RED onion.

"You say there were only half a million at my inauguration. Well you know, that's just like your opinion, man."

Watersportsgate was trending on twitter which is the first hashtag which made me laugh.

Yeah, we love a good second act story too and his fall from grace in the 90s and subsequent reemergence in the past few years has made him a bit of a national treasure. Helped a lot by his unstinting work in attacking tabloid scum paper The Sun and providing robust support to the Leveson enquiry.

Not a betting man, but if I was to put anything down it'd be good old Hugh Grant winning best supporting actor. Brits love Hugh and they know he'd do a witty, self effacing speech. Doesn't hinder his cause that it's a career best performance from him.