Henley Regatta

If you could visit any place or time in history, what would it be?

When did you last vomit?

Who's the friend you've known longest?

RIP Grouty.

Would be very happy to have the UK quad of 'Girl on a Motorcycle', Marianne Faithfull dressed in leather. What's not to like?

I saw this show and in a way I'm glad there's no video release. One of the most extraordinary concert experiences I've been to. How much was down to the fact that I was in the same room as Kate fucking Bush and the general hysteria which went with that, and how much was down to the impeccable musicianship and

He did a shitload of TV in the UK over the past few weeks and boy did he look unwell. I hope it was just jet lag or something but he wasn't the larger than life character we've seen in the past. 'Bat Out of Hell' in the UK is the equivalent of something like 'Frampton Comes Alive in the US', in that nearly every home

Phony Beatlemania bit the dust a long time ago, the real thing is alive and kicking.

Pretty much everything between Solid Pleasure and Flag is worth investigating. New album out in a few weeks too, they still look like wealthy, aristocrats dicking around with techno inspired synthpop https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Trump boys really digging the Patrick Bateman look.

Although I don't recommend reading his dense, impenetrable pulp novels, Harry Stephen Keeler came up with some doozies for names:

Thunderbirds was a total betrayal of the source material. If a studio had approached the material with a bit more respect it could have kickstarted a franchise in the same way 'Star Trek: The Movie' did in 1979. Maybe Haneke was a fan.

This sucks, just when you think 2016 can't get any worse. I really hope someone's looking out for Iggy.

Absolutely, top 10 for sure.

Folks need to check out Adam Buxton's podcast, invariably charming and funny. Latest one has a great and surprisingly funny interview with Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead.

Joseph Bazalgette's great-great grandson is Peter Bazalgette. He's to blame for 'lifestyle' shows such as 'Changing Rooms', 'Ready Steady Cook' and 'Ground Force', ironically stinking up the TV schedules in the 90s and beyond.

'I was happy in the haze of an egg McMuffin…'

Wow, I was so sure that it was Morrissey.

Can't wait for the shitstorm all the manbabys are going to bring when they announce an all female A-Team in 2017.

I sincerely hope there's a line which reads 'Ted launched his Cruz missile into Guy's Fieri hole' otherwise I'm not interested.