Henley Regatta

The video is a direct homage/rip off of the work of Gordon Murray, who did the BBC stop motion animation shows 'Camberwick Green' and 'Trumpton'. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

One of the moviegoers is called Stephen Teti, surely no relation to the A.V. Club head man John Teti?

Some odd choices from the films. If you're going to pick a clip from 'The Third Man', you have to go for Orson Welles appearing out of the shadows or for 'The Graduate', Hoffman thumping his hands on the church window.

"Let me tell you folks. Donald J. Trump says we just need to build a wall about 10 miles up to keep out the aliens. And in case you're wondering they're gonna pay for it too."

I wish someone had got Besson to wrestle Batman vs Superman away from Snyder, at least it would've looked a little less washed out. Maybe he could be persuaded to do a 'Supergirl' reboot.

I like the Grey Album, but if I'm looking for a classic rock/hip-hop mashup my go to is Night at the Hip-Hopera by The Kleptones. Queen and hip-hop work brilliantly together.

Agreed. And also speaking of Glastonbury, Hot Chip' and Caribou's motorik take on 'Dancing in the Dark' was my favourite moment of the festival.

…as do the residuals.

Now McLean's going on a mystical trip to the bank.

KLF went out with a bang. Other than the Sex Pistols in 1978 it's hard to think of a band who so thoroughly decided to savage their career and legacy. Even the Pistols dribbled on as a joke act for another year until Sid Vicious offed himself. Deleting your back catalogue, still to this day unavailable on

I guess it slipped under the wire in the US, but Johnny Depp's appearance in The Fast Show getting sized up by Ken and Kenneth was quite a big deal at the time. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am…

Huge hit in Blighty, 5th highest grossing movie of the year. Done £33 million at B.O whcih would be a $200 million+ equivaleent in the US.

Been listening to the Underworld album on spotify this week as there's no way I could justify getting the 5CD edition. The Kyme Road live jams are almost enough to persuade me to get the physical edition.

Yes, Baldrick's appearance with a turnip(?) sticking out of his mouth is probably the funniest sight gag in all of Blackadder.

Get to Glasgow and get a Munchie box. Finish one of those off and I'd be impressed.

That was a very enjoyable Random Roles, just wished he'd talked a bit more about the Boogie Nights scene.

Would love to have seen The Associates on the show. Their bizarre and playful Top of the Pops appearances show that they would have fitted into the Young Ones world quite happily. Having a guitar made out of chocolate is the kind of illogical thing Vyvyan would approve of.