
This is why I’m against the death penalty. In order to be okay with the death penalty you have to accept the possibility of executing an innocent person and I just can’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, on an individual basis I’m somewhat okay with it in theory. For example, I could push the plunger on Dylan Roof my damn

When I was a baby lawyer, I worked on my firm’s pro bono case involving the appeal of a Mississippi man in very similar circumstances. The even more frustrating thing with our client was that the actual shooter had made a deal and flipped on the rest of the guys so he got life in prison not the death penalty. Juries

The death penalty is immoral no matter what.  I can’t even with this story, it’s just too fucking depressing:(

All This. Warren just has her shit more together than anyone else. It infuriates me that this does not get more traction.

So much for having a good Friday. After reading that first section about Akeelah Jackson, my morning mood is pretty much trash at this point.  I want to know how does the cop live with himself after something like that or if is just an “oh well, shouldn’t have happened” type of thing.  I’m done with the Internet for

Nope, no apartheid police state here.

Sorry, this is a much more accurate comparison:

Everything he accuses other people of is something he has done.
We are at the point where I am starting to wonder if Trump was actually born in Kenya.

And what’s truly sad is if this went on in some other country, say Afghanistan or Venezuela or Cuba, of med being killed by the police without trial, of prisoners dying in their cells because of mistreatment, of police action about killings, we’d be hearing se horrendous abuses of a police state and god bless

Great story Michael.

That’s some damn fine work, it’s not surprise that there’s a concerted enough to obscure the number of suspicious deaths at the hands of law enforcement.  

This is good work and the only reason that “law enforcement” wants to hide their misdeeds is that they are afraid of getting caught.

Hi, Michael,

You’re partially correct, although I didn’t interchange databases. I simply used more than one source, which may have confused you.

We have always been at war with Weastasia. 

There is NO justice.

I read this in the hormone monster’s voice. Thank you.

Waiting for the day when I never see an image of this rainbow snow cone tattooed rapist clown face again, the filthy piece of shit. All the punches forever.

Thank you for this solid synopsis.