
“Here’s what I believe, which I know is wrong, but maybe it isn’t, despite all the evidence showing that it is, but I haven’t read the evidence, but the evidence isn’t convincing, but I’m here to learn.”

You haven’t tried very hard, and yet you’ve written literally hundreds of words in the comments here about something you are admittedly ignorant about but somehow feel that everyone needs to hear your opinion on. You’re arguing with other people about gender surgery, a touchy subject at the best of times, and you’re

Roger Ebert gave the Blair Witch Project four stars and it was widely critically hailed. It did what it set out to do really well, and at the time the filmmaking was truly innovative and interesting. With the benefit of hindsight it’s a different film, but don’t let a million copycats reduce the impact of the

If you’re admittedly ignorant about something, what if you educated yourself instead of asking other people to do the work for you? 

Gamers? Entitled? Say it ain’t so. 

Yeah, no, the American government is not a single entity and, while there is broad agreement on a neoliberal agenda between the two major parties, that is absolutely nothing when compared to the vertically integrated, autocratic Chinese government (and its state-run companies). The American government wishes it had

Honestly, it was that SNF game where Kuechly was crying from his severe brain injury that really turned me off being a devoted fan. His unfocused eyes and uncontrolled emotions were really, really scary - like seeing someone you know act bizarre. And we all knew it was from a hit to the head. Just awful & I’ll

I inexplicably saw him in the lobby of my condo in Toronto one time, that’s the best Urban. Can confirm he is very handsome (and surprisingly big!) in person. 

There aren’t a lot of true things in this world, but one thing I know for certain is that the Wagyu beef sold at Paul Brown Stadium is no such thing. 

Welcome to the conversation. People who don’t apologize and make zero restitution for years of sexual harassment and borderline assault should maybe not be given important platforms and preferential treatment, no. There are plenty of other comics to choose from that haven’t sexually harassed and assaulted women and

I’ve tried Morrowind a few times and just can’t get into it, I was too busy playing Vice City and Warcraft 3 back when it came out. The awful draw distance and annoying fonts are a real turnoff - I’m hoping the SkyWind project or some other remake can ease those QoL things that I don’t have the nostalgia to ignore. 

It’s not really XCOM-like, though. I wish it was, but the gameplay is more like chess. Way more trial and error

Vernon Gholston is one of the all-time great Guys to Remember. Incredible physique only matched by his ineptitude at football. 

Peterson also has a bunch of kids by a bunch of different women, right? That’ll drain your bank account pretty quickly. 

There is an entire day at Rookie Minicamp dedicated to life as an NFL player that includes detailed financial guidance. The NFLPA also refers people to accredited advisers. They do a lot, but you can’t make a horse walk on water. 

This isn’t the first time he’s assaulted somebody on set, either. What a piece of shit. Not my story to tell, but fuck this guy. 

You probably wouldn’t feel attacked if you weren’t a trash man

Yeah, if there’s one thing we know about openly sexist men, it’s that they never hold or gain positions of power. 

Wow, if the circumstances were different, and if all of society were inverted, the response would be different. Incredible 
