
Lasseter’s creepiness and pattern of groping women were under-reported at the time. They didn’t get rid of him because of hugs, they got rid of him because they knew what he did. Lasseter has also never apologized for anything. 

He literally tweeted for ladies to send him feet pics

That’s part of the reason Community kept re-using that one jazz music cue in season 3 - they spent all their licensing money on “Roxanne” and had to save elsewhere. How they ever afforded ABBA, I don’t know. 

Surely you can buy it on iTunes or something? 

No, this excuses the abusive sociopaths. You can be an evil corporate raider and not also have an abysmal personality. I have worked with several very successful executives who were rampant capitalists but weren’t bullies. It’s weak people who bully their way to the top.

There is a difference of scale and dimension, though. This isn’t small-scale monitoring of individual consumer behaviour through focus groups or human observation, it’s monitoring the behaviour of every single person that passes through the store without their knowledge or consent. Technologically enabled privacy

My dad hated being called “Doctor” outside the hospital and actively avoided getting it on his credit card until they did it for him one time. Any doctor (or medical professional in general) knows that when you say you work in medicine you’re going to get a bunch of people telling you about their messed up bodies when

Same, I thought it looked really bad. The thing that got me was being able to see all the makeup on the actors, especially if it wasn’t blended properly on their necks. There’s such a thing as too much detail. 

I’m not American so I don’t watch ESPN or any of the pretenders. Is someone screaming “Get ‘em” incredibly loudly over top of the person we’re actually trying to hear a new thing? 

My take: movie trailers are almost universally trash. If I’m going to go see something, I don’t need a hype reel and would prefer to go in not knowing what’s going to happen. Most trailers these days give away 2/3 of the plot anyway. Roger Ebert would leave the theatre for them. He was right about this (but wrong

I had friends like this guy when I was a teenager, but thankfully we all grew out of being horrifiyng assholes. Why didn’t he? 

Except that Phoenix is 10x more natural than Leto could ever hope to be. 

I have yet to see someone complaining about “free speech” who has the faintest grasp of what that concept means 

Loot boxes are and always have been gambling. This ad just makes the subtext into text. 

Steal content! It’s the only way they’ll make more of it.

You have a child and you don’t care about Pixar? More importantly: you have a heart and you don’t care about Pixar? 

He is also very old. 

Why would any woman marry and then stay with a guy like this? Why would any partner? It’s not that he’s a workaholic, it’s that his entire life is devoted to something outside his family. I know high-powered couples that take luxurious vacations to see one another, but this is on a whole other level.

That photo is both incredible and deeply weird. 

“I don’t know anything” quickly followed by “Here’s my very strong opinion” followed by “You tell me why I’m wrong, I don’t know anything” is a coward’s way to argue an indefensible position. Either shut up, listen, and learn, or... actually, just do that. Asking other people to do basic Googling for you - as though