
This is basically the Republican argument, although even the college student they hired to say it had to admit that black Americans are owed reparations for Jim Crow. 

I hate when people use the word “learnings,” it’s absurd corporate jargon. We have the word lessons. It’s right there. 

Omerta: City of Gangsters was a game with great potential and flawed execution. Good to see it’s getting the spiritual sequel it so richly deserved 

New Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott helped Bill Shine cover up Roger Ailes’ misdeeds for years, so it’s laughable that she’s working “to create a healthier environment for staffers to report harassment.” She helped make the environment toxic! You can’t undo a toxic culture that you yourself implemented and perpetuated!

Fallout 76 is one of the worst games I’ve ever played, good luck. Even after they fixed the bugs, the fundamental design issues and awful narrative make it deeply unfun. It does many things in a mediocre way, pleasing no one. There’s isn’t a single aspect of the game that isn’t done better in another title.

I thought it was clear and obvious at full speed that Green got a hand on it, but as a relatively recent fan I’m not familiar with the “Lowry bricks” narrative so I didn’t jump to that. Like, even a playoff choker wouldn’t toss up something that off-target, it had to be touched (and it clearly was) 

Yes, women are famously uninterested in vampires and vampire fiction. 

Using “fanboy” unironically. How sad is your life that you’re so invested in computer hardware you can’t imagine that someone might not care about brand loyalty to a giant corporation? And that professionalism doesn’t exist? What a terrible comment. 

Because that was assigned to another writer and, as a more in-depth story, is probably going to take longer than this straightforward writeup of something for which there isn’t a lot of information? Yesterday was a holiday, too. So it’s likely a combination of those obvious factors, but don’t let that stop you from

Nah, “accident” has the connotation of being no one’s fault. In this case, as in most traffic collisions, it is likely that one person is at fault. “Accident” also isn’t very serious - spilling water in your kitchen is an accident. Murdering someone through inattention isn’t a woopsy daisy. That’s why “collision” or

Yeah, it’s really bizarre. Also, you should never ever use the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a measure of stock-market health, because it’s a price-weighted index where small changes in high-priced stocks have bigger weight than bigger changes in low-priced stocks. And guess what they say every day on CNN and every

Well, you wouldn’t use “accident” either way. “The crash happened...” is fine. 

This is Day 1 journalism school stuff, “collision” is the standard now. 

In this case, your position is that it’s good to not be a part of an international coalition put together to fight the biggest threat humanity has ever faced because we could actually do better on our own. That somehow international cooperation in the face of the imminent end of the world is something that a) it’s

Battle for Middle Earth 1 & 2 are the closest we got to the large-scale epic battles of the LOTR movies and remain two of the best RTS games of all time, not least because of the re-use of the Howard Shore soundtrack. It’s such a shame that they’re no longer available (legally) and no longer supported. My kingdom for

You’re literally cheering the end of the world and the end of humanity and dismissing efforts to not make that happen. That’s messed up.

Do you really not get the joke? 

One thing that I didn’t see really explored in the New York Times story (and again here) is the racial dimension. Alabama has a long history of racist law enforcement, and it’s still true today - black people make up more than half of the prison & jail population, and are incarcerated at 3x the rate of whites.

Did you Google “Beyonce Hulk” or just have that saved 

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