
Why don’t I let Donna tell it?

lol yeah known right-winger Jean Chretien, who fiercely defended Canada’s federal system and actively sought to centralize power. He got rid of the deficit and is therefore a right-winger. A Quebecer who passed a national childcare plan for poor people. Get outta here with this garbage

Toilet Paper USA is not exactly a run-of-the-mill conservative group, and your statistics mean nothing.

I love that someone made this video

A centre-right politician in the US is a very different breed than a centre-right politician in Canada. Also, I’m not sure if you’re familiar with jokes, but you can get “Truth in Comedy” pretty cheap off Amazon.

The iOS app is somehow worse than the Android one. Your wishlist is buried three menus deep. It’s awful

Donna Brazile’s suggestion that the Democratic primary was rigged in favour of Hillary Clinton (you know, the only one of two candidates who was actually a Democrat) was a lie that she later walked back. The fundraising agreement signed between Hillary and the party wasn’t secret - Politico reported on it - and Bernie

Disliking a single person because of their actions and deeds is not bigotry. Are you sensitive to being called a bigot?

This isn’t a generational thing, old people don’t like interesting movies either. A longer runtime means fewer showings, which means distributors don’t put it on as many screens, which means lower box office.

I showed my ex-gf a picture of Manute Bol on the court and she refused to believe it wasn’t photoshopped until I showed her several follow-ups.

Yeah, he’s also incredibly long-limbed for a really tall guy. His dad didn’t start playing basketball until later on in life, it’s amazing to see someone with that physique who actually has that feel for the game.

Except they screwed up the microtransactions so it wasn’t even pay to win - it was pay to have a chance to win. If you’re going to spend money on a game, you want guaranteed return. They managed to piss off everyone

Buy a projector instead

Acne like that at 33 is a sign of either really bad genetics or steroid abuse

Afghan is the people, Afghani is the currency.

You are a bad person with no media literacy, so why do you think you have a valid opinion when it comes to media criticism?

I honestly hate the redesign for this reason alone.

It’s not confusing in any way. Books are regularly said to have sold a million copies. Same with other consumer goods. It’s a common usage of a standard interpretation of the word. If you want to be pedantic about writing, at least be right.

The Witch is only divisive inasmuch as you should divide yourself from anyone who doesn’t think it’s a masterpiece.

I guess the lesson is old people shouldn’t play video games.