
You’re not using “bias” correctly. You understand that an opinion piece with an opinionated titled is going to have opinions in it, correct?

Do you think journalism is supposed to be universally positive? Do you think highlighting the fact that losing $1 billion a year isn’t usually a foundation for business success is not a worthwhile story idea? Do you think that the Economist is not a reputable news outlet?

It doesn’t matter what the VC’s academic credentials are. It doesn’t matter what the promises are. Uber loses money on every single ride. Some bullshit about “transforming transportation” isn’t worth a thing if your business model doesn’t work.

This is gross and weird. This guy is a terrible person who should be in jail. The weird thing people do where they envision specific physical punishments on criminals is deeply creepy.

Performative masculinity as a compensation mechanism for a deep inferiority complex is a Russian tradition. Putin is a walking example. The re-assertion of chauvinism helps these men feel strong, even though they are weak. The feeling only gets more acute when your country is brought low and embarrassed for a decade

This is one of the reasons James Harrison was so successful - he’s 6'1" on a good day, so he had the automatic advantage over guys half a foot taller than him.

I get the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea mixed up sometimes because they’re both completely irrelevant to my life. It’s not an obvious question, and Jeopardy! is not an easy place to answer questions.

Do yourself the favour and read the Wikipedia article on this guy, ho-lee crap did he go through some stuff. Never, ever go into the jungle for any reason.

That dress ruled, I don’t know how anyone can criticize it.

No, they don’t know where the fuck the Caspian Sea is. There’s a big difference.

The Grinder was a great show and it’s criminal that Fox cancelled it. What a waste of potential

Just because you’re surrounded by morons doesn’t mean most people are morons. People take stories of abuse seriously unless they’re fucking horrible. I’m sorry you encountered so many horrible people, but that still doesn’t justify derailing discussions of sexual abuse to point the spotlight at yourself and your

Do you think being a “pedantic smartass” (as though that’s anything other than a boring asshole) lets you off the hook for a “What about the men?” comment? Grow up.

This is great!

Wow, thanks man. Really helpful stuff when we’re having a conversation about sexual harassment and rape. Moving the conversation forward with helpful rhetoric. You don’t have any issues at all if your first reaction to this article is some dumb derail that you don’t even mean.

None of this happens. You’re an oversensitive baby who’s mad that women are getting attention, so you have to scream “what about mmeeeeee”

Why do you think rape and sexual harassment are “trivial”?

The Holocaust was modern, efficient murder on a literally unimaginable scale. The human brain cannot process the numbers involved. Nazi Germany was an industrial society tuned and fully committed to the party’s purposes. Genocide wasn’t the outcome of individual effort, it was the end result of a collection of systems

Sorry, it’s actually third overall in death total. It is behind Treblinka and Auschwitz. But while those names are burned in our collective memory, Belzec is not.

One of the reasons we know so much about Auschwitz is that it began as a work camp before being later converted to a death camp. A significant number of people managed to escape or survived the war. We associate both of those terms under the “concentration camp” moniker, but there are key (horrific) differences.