
I was curious about your terrible posting so I looked up your post history. Wow dude, you gotta spend less time on the Internet.

Literally everyone believes in hiring the best person available. The reason it doesn’t happen is racism and sexism. Ignoring and not specifically addressing those barriers is silly. Your response was some nonsense defending people hiring those who look like themselves because it’s a better “cultural fit.” Get a grip.

I agree, but I also think developers of open-world games would need to fundamentally redesign their games to be navigable without quest markers and fast travel. Make them smaller and more memorable, with an actual sense of place.

I actually agree with this - I don’t mind some kind of paid mod system, because modders working to bring us extra content should be paid for their time. If I could pay $40 right now to have Skywind completed by the end of the year, I would do it. It’s different when it’s a giant corporation and the actual game devs,

It’s not even casuals. Lootboxes and other microtransactions are a key part of a bunch of games. It’s everyone, and it sucks.

Why do you feel the need to defend sexist hiring policies as though you’re the first person to ever say “it’s about cultural fit!”? Like, do you think your soft defence of sexism here is somehow innovative, new or anything other than the lamest of counter-arguments?

You’re also ignoring immigration, which is huge in CS employment (and overwhelmingly male). And graduation rates for women in CS were 35% or higher 30 years ago. But anyway, don’t let it get in the way of your efforts to change the subject when people are talking about systemic sexism. You could point out that

She was already on the show as Kevin James’ coworker or something, she played a cop. I hope Erinn Hayes made out like a bandit from this show, she’s so great.

I agree that victims are often to blame, and that we can chalk the evils of centuries of ingrained misogyny and its expression in the modern day up to a few extremists on the other side. It was definitely Andrea Dworkin that started this, not the aforementioned centuries of male privilege. Both sides are definitely at

There’s a difference between living an isolated lifestyle and hating women so much that you blame them for all of your problems. The one doesn’t follow the other.

It’s not an uphill battle, it’s literally impossible without active measures to combat it. Everyone wants a meritocracy, it would mean a whole lot fewer men getting hired. But it has not and never will exist.

There is not and never has been a meritocracy in any workplace ever. The literature on unconscious bias in hiring is incredibly vast. Women also agree that the best people should get the jobs - that would mean a lot more equality in the workplace than we have currently.

The autistic people I have known in my life were not outright misogynists. Don’t give these creeps an out.

Systemic biases don’t exist, you say? Everyone is equal? Racism and sexism have no effect on the careers people choose? Wow, breaking news here from a guy who has literally never considered that anyone else’s life is different than his own.

In this case, going to far is doing the bare minimum to even recognize that there are systemic problems in the industry, let alone addressing them in any effective way. God, you weaklings are so boring. Do you think a knee-jerk skepticism of women is a new take? Do you think we haven’t heard this before?

First, you’re equating the graduation rates from one year with the pool of candidates as a whole. Math is not your strong suit!

That meme is usually focused the opposite way, on actual neckbeard woman-haters instead of people who care about equality.

Teachers have a responsibility to their students, who are there to learn. Game developers have no responsibility to teach pathetic adults about basic social niceties. I’m not sure why you think the situations are comparable in any way. You are correct that gamers are basically children, though.

You can’t use the word “gamer” for everyone who plays video games. It’s been taken over by the shitheads. And it doesn’t matter how small the terrible minority is, they set the tone for the entire industry. Have you played an online shooter lately? Visited the @replies of a development studio? Seen the comments on

Anyone who makes “gamer” a major part of their self-identification, yeah pretty much. It’s become a term for the worst kind of entitled gamers who think playing video games makes them somehow special.