
I actually don’t know why I’m a grey, I’m not on half the other Gawker Media or Univision or whatever sites.

It was supposed to go to another post, weird. But the sentiment remains: the toxic culture of gaming isn’t due to anything other than idiot gamers. The voice of young, stupid men is overwhelmingly represented in the subculture, and they’re the worst people imaginable. It’s insanely entitled to think that because a

I agree that victims are to blame. Obviously all the toxicity of gamers is totally not their fault, gamers are blameless saints. We should make changes to everything else before doing one iota of introspection. It’s definitely on developers and publishers to make gamers less shitty, not the gamers themselves. And

Game developers and studios are not “villains,” and you’re one of the delusional entitled gamers that are helping make gaming worse. There isn’t a more toxic subculture that is so widely accepted. Try playing an hour of PUBG without someone using a racial slur, or literally any length of time being a woman online.

Self-identified gamers are trash people. What about that makes you think it’s anybody else’s fault

You could make that argument, but you’d be disingenuous and wrong.

You’re right, the toxic culture of harassment and hate that surrounds basically every aspect of gaming is totally the fault of the people making games, not the terrible people that play them. Listen to yourself. “It’s okay to threaten to murder someone if a game has a different level of detail between E3 and release.”

In what world is government regulation of videogame content a reasonable solution to anything?

Now playing

One Korean movie that’s really overlooked is City of Violence, which had some incredible Warriors-inspired fight scenes and a super-fun OTT plot.

Have you seen every Bond film? Have you read the books?

Yeah, I think the only great failing of Lost Soul is that it doesn’t really go into how badly Richard Stanley handled everything on set. He seems like a nice enough guy but not exactly a commanding presence or a people person.

A dumbfuck?

The whole point of the character is that he’s a representation of the British Empire, in all its glory and awfulness. Having him be anything other than an upper-class English white man doesn’t make a lot of sense. He’s not simply a super-spy, he’s a super-spy fighting for Queen and country (and the gross traditions

lol @ “take an ethics course.” You a subscriber to the CJR?

I like Jen Kirkman a lot and had to unfollow her.

So you’re the liberal here? You did bring it up.

That’s another thing. What kind of man wants a meek and mild girlfriend who doesn’t challenge him or bring anything new to the relationship? I assume that would get incredibly boring after a while, I guess that’s why his relationships don’t last. Like, it would be great to have sex with a young, attractive person. But

He’s a great skeevy weasel in True Believer.

I didn’t know any of that, gross. Don’t people’s tastes change over time? The last thing I would want to do now that I’m in my 30s is spend time with a teenager, I’m tired just thinking about it.

I mean, I’m a guy and I always sort of assumed women had to deal with creeps. I also grew up with a single mom and have strong female friendships, so I’ve heard these stories before. I think for a lot of dudes they just don’t hear it. Now that people are discussing it on social media, it’s blown my mind how prevalent