
White people are way too concerned about being labeled a racist. I don’t think PDP is someone who hates different races, I think he is a moron. But again, it is irrelevant. Being racist is being racist, regardless of your motives. Edgelords turned /pol/ into a white nationalist organizing ground for this very reason.

You’re initially talking about context, then you pivot to suggesting the use of the worst racial slur we have isn’t actually racist. The word’s entire power, its use as a derogatory slur, is due to its history as a racial pejorative. It has no other context when used by a white person in anger. Don’t be an idiot - his

If you cover one aspect of a giant societal problem, you need to cover it all - in the same article, at the same time, and regardless of the fact that you have a sister publication written by those affected by the issue devoted to covering the issue. Do you not see how absurd that is? Do you want video game

In what way? Your point is a little muddled, my friend. This article quotes a handful of tweets that focus on the economic aspect of PDP’s racist idiocy, and is in no way a comprehensive look at the total reaction of every YouTuber. Then you start bringing in the plight of POC in America as though every one of these

That there are far bigger problems doesn’t invalidate the fact that PewDiePie is a moron who says and does racist stuff with some frequency.

Over-validating faux-transgressive edgelords is the Internet’s greatest sin.

Context matters, but not intent. If there’s nothing subversive about the context - in this case, a white guy using the word in anger as a slur to describe an opponent - it’s just a racist act. You can argue until you’re blue in the face about his intent, but intent is completely irrelevant - it’s a racist act, and not

TotalBiscuit is a supporter of GamerGate and therefore not an adult.

There is no difference between acting like a racist and being racist. We can never know how other people feel, we can only judge them on their actions. Using the N-word casually (which PDP knows full well is a horrendous slur, don’t give me that BS) is a racist act. Your man has committed several racist acts. It’s

Where was anyone suggesting the use of “retard” was okay? It’s not, but it’s considered less hateful than the N-word, which has been nothing but a term of hatred for centuries. There is a difference between racial slurs and other insults, is that not clear to you?

I play a lot of video games, but I would never consider myself a gamer for this very reason. YouTube and the wider online ecosystem (Reddit etc.) have such a huge problem with casual racism and sexism because young, stupid people think it’s transgressive when it’s simply regressive. I genuinely worry about people who

You are connecting things that aren’t connected. It is possible to view situations in multiple different ways, and to be concerned about both systemic impoverishment in America and really important online personalities being casual racists. This is not a zero-sum thing

It doesn’t matter how he feels, it’s how he acts. Using the N-word casually is a racist act. Don’t act like a racist and you will not be treated like one.

Are you 17 or do you just have the philosophical positions of a particularly delayed 17-year-old? That’s the weakest defence for disgusting moral positions i’ve ever seen.

I was being real condescending about insurance but then you suggested that other people paying premiums meant you weren’t paying for their care. YOU ARE PAYING FOR THEIR CARE AS PART OF A RISK POOL, THAT IS WHAT INSURANCE IS! and that is why it obviously makes sense to have everyone pay!

> Any I’m confident that there is no agency or authority that accredits or verifies whether anyone is an expert on health care policy.

You live in a country where people die because they’re poor and you have no problem with this. It would be great if you got cancer.

> Why on Earth would I want to pay for someone else?
Because you aren’t ignorant of the idea of insurance? Because you understand risk pools? Because you know the first thing about medicine or healthcare? The point is that we will all get sick, many of us in different ways at different times, and it makes sense to pay

Yeah, I was impressed he kept his shit together. Is that not clear?