
Like the systems seem incredibly obvious: have a fame ranking that increases based on on- and off-court incidents, as well as an infamy rating. You also have a coach & team happiness system, maybe individual ones for players. You can talk to the media and be charismatic for extra fame points, but you can get too much

Why don’t they just take the next step and make it a full-fledged football RPG? I hated the fact that most of my decisions and dialogue were mapped out for me in NBA 2K. Make it Madden: Alpha Protocol.

You know that thing I said about locksmiths earlier

Oh, I thought she owned a minority as part of a consortium. Wasn’t aware she had control. Now, as for the rest of my exceedingly correct post, I’m sure you’ll be along swiftly to explain why journalists are totally 100% okay with taking dictation from their ownership and there’s no division between editorial and

Yes. But how many of them understand that we’re all in this together, and that one of the mechanisms of government should be to balance outcomes in order to help everyone succeed?

Some locksmiths are serial killers, too. But assuming every single one is a serial killer because you don’t know how locksmithing works is, as I said, dumb and cynical.

Honestly, this is actually the issue. Americans just genuinely don’t have that same assumption about collective good. They don’t want to pay for the care of somebody else if they don’t have to, even if it makes everything better for everyone (including themselves). These kinds of cultural ideas are important to

“The U.K. spends less per person ($3,749) on health care than the U.S. ($9,237). Despite its high spending, the U.S. does not have the best health outcomes. Life expectancy, for example, is 79.1 years in the U.S. and 80.9 years in the U.K. And while the U.S. spends more on health care than any country in the world, it

Journalists aren’t corrupt, and it’s cynical and stupid to suggest that they are. This is an obvious pitch: what if single payer is not all it’s cracked up to be? Every magazine would run this.

Your entire job category shouldn’t exist.

My father, a Canadian doctor, has been part of a practice organization (idk they have these different categories) that guarantees he is paid more than $450,000 a year as a GP. He has been a part of this organization for the last 25 years. He graduated top of his class in engineering and then med school. I do not think

I was there for Borg and McEnroe, but neither showed up. Shapo did, though!

I was on the red carpet line tonight and was genuinely surprised by how much effort Shia put in to talk to everyone, pose for pictures, and generally interact with fans and the press. He even stopped to listen to a girl who had written a song for him, which she sang with no accompaniment. Then he jumped a barrier to

It’s the paradox of socialism: unions are good, but police unions are terrible.

So you’re in favour of police brutality because Colin Kaepernick didn’t vote? Seems like a strange stance to me, but okay. I guess if you consider a small gesture protesting police brutality an “immature brat throwing a fit,” you probably don’t have the most nuanced take on race relations. It’s also pretty telling

Right about cars, wrong on cartoons.

What, exactly, would be spoiled? That John and Dany will eventually hook up? It’s not as though that’s even in the headline. You might as well say the headline’s a spoiler about John’s parentage, for those still on Season 5. This is the most mild of plot points, I don’t think it will affect anyone’s enjoyment of the

Spoiler alert: Arya isn’t going to die next week.

This is one of the most obviously foreshadowed moments in any TV show I’ve ever watched, and something discussed in depth on basically every discussion forum focused on GoT for the last few weeks. How could this possibly spoil anything?

The game going into overtime made me late for a date. When the ball hit Demaryius’s hands I got up and left without turning the TV off, I could hear the crowd roar as I left the apartment. Then my date got mad at me because, and I quote, it seemed like “I was choosing football over [her].” Fuck Tim Tebow, fuck Marion