Whut? No one is allowed to board after 10 minutes prior to departure. That’s an FAA rule.
Whut? No one is allowed to board after 10 minutes prior to departure. That’s an FAA rule.
No, the article *here* says that he recorded the incident, but the original linked article on KCAL makes no mention of a recording.
I’m sorry, but if you are hoping for “cryptography” to somehow guarantee that V2x packets will be secure and honest, you’re being silly.
No. The only way for autonomous driving to be safer than human drivers is for cars to be able to communicate with all other surrounding cars.
Raise the short-term gains tax. Hold a stock for less than 12 months? The gains are taxed at a rate inversely proportional to how long you hold the stock for.
Okay, so wait... how would this work?
Jesus fucking christ, you’re right. Trump is basically Reagan for the 80's nostalgia addicts.
Washed up TV personality, obviously in mental decline, consults with quacks on policy decisions*, overtly hostile to unions while still getting lots of blue collar votes...
Huh... I thought dwarves were natural sprinters...
Nope. It’s not status thing. You just sign up, like any airline will give you a frequent flyer number. You enter your personal and drivers license into the account, as well as your coverage preferences. Since they have it on file, they don’t have to enter it at the counter. Saves everyone time.
Except they DIDN'T know what cars to take, as evidenced by people taking the wrong cars
Same here with Avis. There was, however, once a 20+ person, hour+ wait at DFW in September
Yeah, but they had reservations, NOT assignments. Basically, they thought "well, I got a midsize, this looks like a midsize" and took it.
Some smaller airports don't have gates. Those are usually the ones where the keys are kept behind the desk, though
Didn't the initial Roadster prototype/demo units use laptop batteries built into the bodywork?
You forgot Gen Z thing #3: literally the worst slang ever
As long as you don’t drink anything with ice
Short version, yes. Though there are a few extra impediments. Elements too heavy to fuse at the plasma temperatures shut down the reaction over time. Think of it like a fire in an enclosed space burning up all of the oxygen.
No. In a nuclear reaction, *mass* might change, but *matter*, AKA the number of protons, neutrons, electrons (and their corresponding antiparticles), stays the same.
The sun doesn’t so much “store” energy as much as it is “Far too fucking big for almost all of that energy to leave”.
Alternately, they could have sold some Ariana Grande dolls