Cayde-6's Unloaded Dice

Hire a biotic to create a force field around your car?

Apparently he took the Hypocritic Oath, not the Hippocratic Oath.

Pull his medical license.  

So, to be clear... the problem is with a valve, made by ValveTech, which is in the Atlas V rocket itself, not the Starliner.

Most car rental companies let you transfer status.  Hell, they usually have a page on their websites that let you do it

Counterpoint: using explosives to cut through the steel beams is much faster and safer than any other cutting method, because it will keep people far away during the actual cutting process

“There is no problem that can not be solved by the proper application of explosive”

Sadly, if they couldn’t get him for blatantly obvious securities fraud before, there’s no way this new round would stick.  

Insurance scam?

Is there a reason they can't put up bollards to keep ATV's out?

Literally, the only criteria that you provided for preferring a SNELL (private) certification over a DOT (taxpayer-funded) one is that SNELL is not a governmental organization. If you said that SNELL uses more stringent testing criteria, that would have been an entirely different argument, but you did not. Combine

“I trust private organizations that get paid to certify safety over governmental organizations that don’t profit from certifications!”

The question is if rear-facing seats are inherently that unsafe, or if this particular company was making a shittily-designed and built product

Pro tip: if that first/second thing is happening to you in CA, there’s a decent chance your fellow drivers have decided you are driving like an asshole and are doing this as punishment.

That slit above the Lexus logo DOES make it look like the hood isn’t closed all the way

So.... not “birdshot”?

What do they count as a “3-hour delay”? Would a “weather delay resulting in the plane getting re-routed around a storm cell while on the taxiway, neccesitating a return to the gate to take on more fuel, in turn causing the captain to time out, with the overall effect being the plane landing four hours late” count?

Can’t wait for this wonderful future where “rideshare slumlord” is a thing.

It’s so stupid. The reason that Uber exists is so that anyone can turn their car into a taxi, because the medallion system limited the number of licensed cabs.

The reason that the medallion system was implemented was because too many people were turning their cars into taxis, creating a system where taxis clogged the

Honestly, I don't think most auto manufacturers would want the sort of real estate footprint or additional employees that maintaining their own sales infrastructure would entail

In my experience, slow PreCheck lanes (as compared to regular screening) are due to being understaffed (comparatively) and/or morons who don’t know how to behave post-x ray generally.