Cayde-6's Unloaded Dice

Whereas I can’t look at Wyatt Russell without thinking that he was created in a lab to star as Carl in the inevitable live-action adaption of Up

Nor do they teach how to avoid all of the predatory car dealerships that spring up around military bases like strip clubs.

Yep.  On average, a company’s performance DECREASES about 3% once the MBA’s take over.  


a group of young people on a distant world find themselves in a confrontation with the most terrifying life form in the universe.

Yep. To me, hiking is waste of time. If I wanted to pointlessly walk around, I could go to the gym and hit a treadmill. Bonus points: you don’t have to spend your time on a treadmill avoiding tripping over rocks and roots.

This game sounds just like a hike, but without the benefit of fresh air.  

Oh yes! The keyboard response is so much slower on OEM navigations.

And combine that with the fact that OEM nav systems are doing a lookup function in a list and don’t have a true search engine functionality, you have to know exactly what it is you are looking for.  So lots of times, you have to look it up on your

you usually aren’t getting up to date traffic information. Give me CarPlay and Waze over any factory nav system.

Somehow, this comes to mind:

Whoever said that the native navigation is better than Android Auto is on something, most likely that weed from Training Day.

If one were to completely ignore the limitations of AI, the best use case possible that I could see is, say, as the “announcer” or commentator in Madden or another sports game. You’d never be able to get enough hours of a voice actor in a recording booth to recreate that.

Fallout 4 didn’t need AI to create infinite side quests.

Of the two of them, Biden isn’t the one who walked into teenage girls’ dressing rooms without knocking

Carscoop made the original mistake.  

Throw in Wheel of Time while you are at it

Would it be giving the showrunners too much credit to think that they’re reflecting the current visual trends in gaming?

What do you mean "until"? SovCit twits make up a disproportionately large percentage of people who shoot at cops during traffic stops

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel did the whole “long trailer narrated by a Brit” last decade

They don’t have a “near-monopoly” on passenger planes in the US.

Sure, they are the only commercial passenger plane manufacturer headquartered in the US, but most US airlines also fly Airbuses, and Airbus manufacturers A319's, A320's, and A321's in Alabama.